Ch 41: Into the shadows

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I always believed that it was easy to get allured by darkness, to let it compel you.. Change you. Lara only proved me right when she showed that desperation for more, letting me see and feel each and every one of her deepest desires, and there were no mere words that could explain how damn much I loved it. She let my darkness consume her, and I was only hopelessly despairing to see more..

I told her what she made me do; how easily she could effect me. Hell, a single look from her was enough for me to fall on my knees and lose myself in her spell.. The deepness in those blue eyes.. The forest green mixing together.. It left me speechless, breathless.. I saw every piece of that humanity she held, the emotions swirling and mixing.. Christ, it was my very ruin.

Each and every wish to touch her was plainly because I had to make sure that she was real, there.. That it wasn't a damn hallucination of a woman so beautiful.. That I hadn't lost my mind.. But I had.. I lost my mind. For her.. And she knew it.

Yet she let me. She let me have what I was seeking so desperately for. She let me touch her, hold her, have her.. I feared that she would let me in completely, because there was not a drop of control left in my body, no damn resistance when it came to her.

Her lips let me drown in my own desires as for with that simple gesture, with that kiss, she seemed to connect piece by piece inside me, inject every drop of life in my body, and little did she know, I was ready to die with the feel of those lips against my own.

I let my hands feel every curve and hollow on her body, her breath against my lips as we pulled away so slightly, only enough for me to get the chance and leave a trace of kisses down her chin, completely marveling at the softness of her skin.

It was becoming unbearable to have to push back my urges, as for it was her that tempted me, her that seduced me, her that owned me. And it was the most fucked up thing, but with her, I forgot who my own self was, and I loved every second of it.

I ran my lips over every inch of her neck, feeling my own breaths catch in my throat from how heavy this need struck me, from how easily the feel of her compelled me.. I could feel her pulse against my lips, hear her blood flowing, her deep breaths escaping.. Her skin was hot underneath my hands; burning.. Every little desire that was reflected in me was boiling inside her as well..

Perhaps I thought that once I had her, once I owned her completely for a night, that I would satisfy the smolder that was starting to flame inside me.. It did the opposite.. She only increased the fire, and burned me alive.. Yet I couldn't get fucking enough.

There wasn't even an inch space left inside my pants, and I hadn't even had her properly yet.. It was the simple sight of her that could do such things to me, and it was getting out of control..

The way she deeply inhaled the air, it started echoing in my head.. Driving me mad.. Complete insane. Her heartbeat quickening the closer I got to her chest, to more I touched her.. Everything else muted in my ears.. I only listened to her breaths, to her pulse, to every slight moan that escaped her lips so faintly.. I was desperate to give her more. To take more..

The small sweater she was wearing only reached the middle of her stomach, allowing me to easily touch her bare skin that showed only a few inches before that tempting skirt started.. But I had her for myself finally, mine to worship.. To kiss, tease, taste, fuck and own her fully. And there was no going back once I started.

I moved away enough to wrap my fingers around her sweater and pull it over her head.. She easily let me as I watched how the dark long locks fell back over her shoulders, arms and chest.. Her skin was silk, pale and flawless.. Her neck delicate, smooth, and that full chest rising from the heavy breaths she inhaled, a perfect bosom tightly filling every inch of that lacy bra..

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