Ch 31: Only one escape

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Pic by: meimyselfforever ❤️


  Something didn't seem right.. It was the only the fact that Nia kissed me without any warning whatsoever, but it was as if the coldness inside me dropped.. Like something was snatched away from me in that moment.. Almost as if within seconds, a part of me almost went numb.. Missing. Nia's lips were against mine for a second, and I didn't even allow her to kiss me properly.. It was a plain connection of her lips against mine, only seconds before I took a step back and pushed her away..

  "What's wrong?" What did she mean, what's wrong? We hadn't kissed in almost a year, and she was asking me what was wrong? It took me by surprise I suppose, but at the same time, how could I kiss her when all I thought of was Lara? And I was not crazy to mistake Nia for her.. She just left to talk to Lily.. I was damn sane enough to have control, yet at the same time crazy enough to not be able to keep her off my mind.. It only assured me how much my brain was obsessing over her when Nia kissed me.. It just showed me that I could simply not do it.. I couldn't think of anyone but her.

  However, I didn't exactly have the answer Nia was looking for.. I understood why she would think it was appropriate to do what she did.. I looked over the other side of the room.. It was too crowdy to find her, and this urge inside me screamed to at least just get a glimpse of her face.. "I'm not in the mood, Nia." I told her plainly, still searching the crowd with my eyes.. "Do you see Lara around?"

  "Your human pet? No. But you have to let go, she's constantly stressing you out.." I glanced at her, and I couldn't tell what she thought she was doing, but her words muted in my head. "There's no way out of the hotel anyway. Just relax." She took the glass from the small table beside her. "Here, have a drink." However, I still chose to ignore her. Nia did tutor young human girls, but she had no clue what one could mean in such world.. Especially what Lara meant to me.

  And I couldn't shake off that feeling crawling underneath my veins.. Panic for some reason.. It was as if in hundreds of people around me, I could not sense her presence. "Excuse me," I told her as I pushed through the crowd and walked towards the other side if the room where she was standing with Liliana. I saw her when she stopped next to Lily, but then I got distracted by Nia's many many questions.. Now, there was no track of either of them.

It was that split second of my mind going blank, the loss of my senses and all control that was left in my veins.. Even though I needed my full focus the most in that moment, Lara managed to once again fuck my mind up.

I saw Liliana from the side, and even though my whole body pulsed with that panic still, I managed to gain some sanity and look at her. She had a glass of water in her hands when she looked at me and frowned. "Where's Lara?" It was a question that caused something to sink in me.. It was as if that connection of sensing her around me was already lost and this was just a damn confirmation.

I didn't have the time to deal with her or anyone else that was idiotic enough to let Lara slip between their fingers.. A harsh cuss escaped me as I moved past the people and towards the lobby. At that point I felt like I was struggling to inhale the air even though I barely did that throughout my whole life as a vampire.. I was struggling with finding some better scene for myself just so I could find some damn release, because help me Lord, I prayed that she wasn't testing my limits.. I could not see myself rising a hand on that girl, yet she did everything in her power to push me till my last spark of power I had over myself..

I didn't even know if it was worth throwing orders to search the hotel.. I could not sense her presence around me and I could do that ever since I gave her the bite.. But she was not around now, and my whole sane mind knew that.. That was the fucked up thing about her.. My mind could not act sane when it came to her.. She made me act completely against my own nature one moment, and then took out the darkest madness from within me the next..

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