Ch 58: What storms bring

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The thunder echoed through the walls, seemingly shaking the bed.. Dimmed lights from the lamps trembled the same second.. My heartbeat thumped rhythmically, steadily as the soothing feeling slowly flooded from my chest to my toes.. Silken sheets, steady breaths and the man I was so lost in, laying beside me.. I was lightheaded still.

Pouring rain was banging against the terrace windows, almost as if it was determined to break them.. The sky brightened with lightnings from time to time, and the thunder seemed to break the pitch darkness of the midnight sky in two for a second. Yet I never felt more calmed. I never felt more relaxed..

I could feel the gaze of dark green eyes over me.. The gentle caresses of his rough fingers against my hair.. Over my skin.. I shivered at the feel of him close to me, even after hours of being worshiped by him. Never in a million years would I had imagined spending a stormy night in such harmony of thoughts and feelings. It almost seemed unreal to me.

But it was real. It was the realest thing I had ever felt. The whole night was wild, and hot and blurry.. I could still feel my legs weak, my whole body faint and vulnerable for only him.. Such pleasure hit so many times, as harsh as the thunders outside, breaking me in pieces and making me come as one only to insatiably crave more, yearning for his ardor, for his taste, for all of him..

I felt insane. Insane from how much I felt that night. How much he made me feel. The Lord of the North.. The one everyone feared and bowed to.. To call my lover.. It was insanity. I could not exactly think of the moment I gave in.. The moment my soul accepted his.. Or when I started finding salvation in him rather than doom.. But I did. And I could not regret it.

Never in my life had I felt such lust and longing for someone.. Such connection. Not in a million years would I had thought I'd find that with my very captor. And I still found so much more.. I found not only begs escape me, gratitude to what he made me feel.. But yearning, a wish for the kind of connection that the bite offered.

I was ready for anything with him.. I was ready for death with him. And that was the true thing I feared.

I could still feel his lips on the side of my neck.. How slowly he bit me. How damn senseless I was as we came as one right in that moment, and how faint I was in his arms. I passed out. Perhaps for a while. But he was awake, and now so was I, desperate to feel the soothing his arms offered, the safety his body promised.

I lost myself in my own thoughts for a few minutes.. I laid there in silence and allowed those memories flood me. I would do it again, I thought. Again and again.. It was true madness what he made me feel. Everything about that world was madness. And I was part of it.

  Not only because I was with Xander.. But because I had witch blood flowing through my veins.. Wolf genes making me who I was. The simple fact that I had not even a dot on my neck after getting bitten proved that. I healed almost as fast as he did..

It was really surreal to have it all swirl through my head. It was surreal to think how much I had gotten used to all of it. To Xander. I never really felt the fear others did around him.. I felt despise, perhaps hatred in the beginning.. I dreaded him a bit, yes, because I was aware he could cause me pain if he wanted.. But I never feared him. I was too focused on finding a way out..

That night, I was laying in the arms of that same man.. That man I once considered a monster. Calmed by the safety his simple presence offered.. Soothed by his scent, finding comfort in his bed beside him. I felt worshiped by a simple look from him.

He could claim me all he wanted.. I couldn't complain because it was the truth.. I was his. And for the first time, he allowed someone to claim him too. To fall him mine.. The cruel Lord of the North.

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