Ch 37: Truthful

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  New York city at night was the one I remembered the best. Even now I could just imagine the memory of me, Max and a few other friends, walking around the streets after a blast at the bar and laughing out lungs off. I was never a drinker because I was usually working behind the bar and I needed myself sober so I can flirt out a bigger tip or two.. Max was always too busy with some girl, so he had no time for drinking either, and the others were usually just a bit lightheaded, enough to make the night interesting..

  It all came back like I could just see us walking down some street in a small group.. I was seeking for something I had years ago, before moving back to Richwood with Maxi and doing my thing of surviving there. New York still held the memories. But I knew how to get over them.

  When I looked to my side, I had a vampire like a building towering over me, guiding and sending everyone that was even in our direction a death glare, let alone someone that dared to look.. Did he think that women drooling over him didn't bother me? I mean, he was a damn eye candy, I didn't blame them, but still the large green eyes were only for me to look at, the sharp clenched jaw and those perfect cheekbones for only for me to touch, oh and those full perfect lips only for me to kiss.

  I knew that he had an intimidating posture, tall and large built underneath the button up shirt that lined his muscles fucking perfectly, and yes that could have any woman on her knees with a simple look, but if he was going to act like he was going to kill every men that glanced at me, I could be a little possessive too.

  I took him to get the best milkshake at a place where they knew me all so well, saw a few familiar faces that made my day.. After that, I made him go to get street donuts that were the cutest, tastiest thing I had ever tasted, and I believe they were one of the reasons why New York was so dear to me..

  Xander of course didn't eat, even though I made him take one, but I knew that he was the kind of 'boyfriend' that could tell every person's blood type with just looking at them, hear their heartbeat and sense every emotion that went through them.. So I would say that he was not exactly a donut person..

  When I was done with the donuts, I drank water from the little street fountain which was probably not for drinking, but I was used to sneaking a gulp or two ever since Max taught me how to. And now that I was done with showing him all the places, at least an hour after, we were still walking down one busy street, with his hand over my back in a way of guiding me, and a intimidating frown that he had no matter what I talked about, since he was too busy keeping away the - to quote him, 'idiotic bastards that were asking to get their hearts ripped out.' Real poetic, I know.

  To easy him out a bit, I managed to get a hold of his hand, earning a bit confused look from him, and God help me but in that moment I was ready to kiss him senseless with the look he gave me, so perfect.. And I cursed myself a hundred times for considering myself lucky when I thought of going to the same bed as him. I almost slapped myself. But he was truly so damn perfectly sculpted, making my knees go weak with a simple look from him. I could laugh over and over again to every bitch that looked at him because he was only holding me.

  But holding his hand, I could tell that he was tensed. I rubbed little circles with my thumb over his hand to make him relax, but he only intertwined our fingers tighter, leaned down closer to me, and left a kiss right on my jaw, pulling me a bit closer and inhaling deeply in the process. I almost sticked my tongue out to every one of those stupid girls that looked at him. What did they think I was? His assistant?

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