Ch 20: New side of me

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Long, not edited chap!


  She seemed to put me in this frenzy of desires, this war of emotions I could not explain to myself. And in that moment, all I wanted was to get away.. From her, from myself.. Because I knew the last time I did it, I ended up drinking her blood. This time, I could control that sense, but her.. I could not control myself around her. It was something I have not felt for so damn long, I thought that kind of feeling was already vanished from me. I thought every little feeling was vanished from me..

  It was the only thing I feared. Myself. What I might do in moments like that.. And Lara.. Oh, Lara was something else. She had no fucking clue what she was doing to me, making me want everything from her. I wanted her completely in those moments, and it took me everything to keep myself away. I told her we were going somewhere because at first I just needed some air, and I tended to go by myself, but it's the most fucked up thing how I could not leave her. Well, perhaps I could, but that eagerness to have her with me was stronger than me.

  It became a habit of mine whenever we were in the car to keep my hand over her knee, almost as if I was making sure she was there.. Lara was impulsive. I did not trust her outside the house. Not with Nathaniel, not with anyone but me. So, it seemed like I had bigger control when I held her in any way. And she seemed to be used to it as well.. In the beginning she would move, shift, push my hand away sometimes even blab something.. But I learned that she didn't think before she spoke, and she was a little wild thing. She wanted her freedom and I could give that with her. I just needed to trust her first.

  Now, we were on our way to the woods. The day was no longer a problem for me, due to many spells my witches have managed to do against the sun curse, but I preferred the night. However, today was different. I knew she wanted to go back into that pathetic human world, and the closest place to that was in the woods. It had a view of some human town, and I knew those lights would sooth her. I wanted to keep my slaves happy when they behaved, and she was a good girl today, so she needed a reward.

  It hadn't been long since I found her, bought her more correctly.. But it was still enough for me to know her impulses. I understood her nature, and sending her to those classes was obviously not doing the thing.. She needed training and she needed it from me. Disciplining wasn't the hard part. Them respecting was. Understanding.. It usually didn't end up like that. Human girls tended to just do as told, not knowing why.. That was never my purpose with any of my slaves. And Lara was capable on doing that, I knew it. She had different morals, but she was smart. And I trusted my first instincts. I got her for a reason beside her gorgeous physics.

  Her skin was silk underneath my hand, and I always found myself running my fingers up and down her thigh and knee, because it felt unbelievable how smooth she felt. She on the other hand always looked outside the window, almost as if she was trying to memorize the road. Lara had her moments and took in the littlest details. Perhaps I noticed all of it because I was paying too much attention to her. But ever since the first time my eyes landed on her, it was hard to keep her out of my head.



  I was at that point where I just didn't want to talk to him. He played me like a rag doll, and I let him. I could feel anger boiling inside me, and I was desperate to let it out. There was no such thing as fairness in this world. I was aware of it. Nothing in my life was fair, and ending up in Petrovic's hands is what proved that right. But at the same time, there were games in life that you could learn how to play. Games in which you could win. And I wasn't an emotionally unstable person. I knew what I could handle and what not. I knew that I was going to win this game no matter what. And at that point, he was my competition. It was either going to be him playing me, or me playing him.

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