Ch 53: Those we lost

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I had a gif for this chap but for some reason it didn't want to get uploaded.. I still didn't want y'all to wait up, so here it is! Maybe I'll try with the gify later 😉



  My head was echoing with cries and screams. A horrifying sound of Lara's voice that made me think I was losing my mind. I refused to believe it was reality..

  I refused to believe that I was rushing down the narrow dirty hallway, between cells and dungeons, just to follow her voice.. Her voice that was not in my head. No, it was all real. I was living my biggest nightmare, a terror that I couldn't wake up from..

  I wasn't breathing. It seemed like I was desperately holding my breath.. I couldn't inhale the air. No, not until I saw her.

  I killed a few of Gabriel's witches and I knew if I didn't hurry up, I would have more of them on my back. The bastard had a whole damn coven, but I had Victor and Elliot taking care of them.. Because I.. I just needed Lara.

  I refused to think that I was too late. Fucking hell, I refused to think that she was hurt, despite the terror in her voice as she yelled and screamed, echoing throughout the entire underground basement where Gabriel kept his prisoners..

  His prisoner. He treated her as his prisoner. And the bastard was about to suffer fate worse than death. I swore on my life.

   I followed the direction her voice was coming from, and I had never ran faster. The last wooden door at the end of the hallway was made of heavy wood, like he was keeping her isolated, and my mind burned with the thought of her hurt..

  I was no longer aware of my own actions. I broke the door open within a second, heard Nathaniel say something to me and take the bastard down by breaking his neck.. While I.. I didn't care about revenge, about his rotten heart that was supposed to be in my hand as he falls dead on the ground in front of me.. It was a need, a duty I had to fulfill, but not yet.. Not fucking het. Not until I had Lara in my arms again..

  My eyes searched for the dark cell to find the one face that I prayed to all gods I would see.. On the ground, on that dirty gray cement ground was laying a guy.. A pale body of a young man, and beside it — a helpless figure I knew well..

  The girl was small and helpless, barely covered by the thin material of some nightgown, hands covered in blood and a pretty pale face of tears.. The girl was terrified and lost.. The girl was my girl.. My Lara.

  My heart fell with relief.. The air filled my lungs like I hadn't breathed for days. And I hadn't.. The sudden relief my chest felt was nothing like anything I had ever felt. It was unbelievable. It was real. She was alive.


I breathed. I finally breathed out. But she wasn't listening.. And my chest felt like it was being torn in two with the sight of her in that state, the sound of voice.. The weakness and hurt in that feminine tone.

  Her voice was helpless and high, pleads and whispers, then yells and cries, that I couldn't exactly follow up with.. She wasn't even aware of her surroundings. She didn't notice the chaos I had created one bit..

  And I.. I couldn't focus on anything other than rushing towards her and pulling her in my arms.. She seemed to struggle, still unaware of what was happening.. Still unaware that my hands took hers, her face.. Her perfect face that was wet in tears..

  She tried releasing herself because she couldn't seem to realize that it was I that tried pulling her away from the body on the ground, trying to pull her close to myself and get her to stand up.. Just so I would see she was alright..

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