Ch 24: What I want

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This chap is not edited so sorry in advance..

Also, a huge thanks to @meimyselfforever for the pic above! She took the time to separate some of her fav lines from the book so far! Mine too tbh *.* There are more so I'll be putting them up in the next chaps!




  Apparently, not all pets were allowed to have drinks.. Alcohol, to be exact. And I was downing my second one? Xander didn't have a rule like that.. Perhaps it was because the night was special. He was the one hosting the ball after all.. But in all honesty, I needed as many drinks as I could get. I was burning inside for some reason since the first thing he did after he helped me down the few last stairs was go back to continue his conversation with Nia..

  I mean, yes he was holding me the whole time, and he was was giving me attention, but.. Why her? Was it because they had a thing in the past or whatever? I didn't believe in such thing as friendship after a breakup. And even though Lily said that what they had was apparently just a few day affair, I had experience with stuff like that. I had friends, and friends with benefits, and I knew exactly what it looked like when a bitch was into someone that wasn't hers to look at. I knew all the looks and glances and smiles, because I was sometimes that bitch.

  And even the last time she came in the house, I saw that exact look in her eyes. Besides, she was throwing shade the whole night. She complimented my dress, but on the other hand, she insulted me about fitting in. Yes, I was a bit problematic in her 'class', but that's cause I didn't like her. And of course if I had the chance I wouldn't choose to stay here, but since I was stuck there for a while, I wanted Xander for myself. I knew I was being selfish and a bit jealous, but my plan was working fine and she was doing everything to keep his attention on anything but me.

Maybe it was all in my head, but either way, I had enough of it. I leaned closer, whispered a thing or two in his ear, and from the corner of my eye, I knew I saw Nia looking. I felt him slide his fingers over my bare back, lower and lower until he found the material of my dress and pulled me a bit closer. I was already on my tiptoes to reach his face, but he still wanted less space between us. I told him I was tired of his absence in a way, since I really barely saw him the whole week.

  And in response, he just pressed his lips slowly against the side of my neck, leaving a soft kiss on that perfect spot, before turning to face the others again. I knew that vampires could hear better than humans.. A lot better than humans actually, since Xander once told me he could hear my heartbeat, so perhaps that's why he didn't say anything.. So others would hear. And I guess he left his actions to show what he wanted to say..

  This time when he continued, he held me closer, he kept glancing at me, and asked me a thing or two. The way he moved his hand over my waist, higher, then lower.. He seemed to be unconsciously sliding his fingers over my bare back, lower at the dip of my spine, then the silky material of my dress, my hip,- I shifted slightly. I didn't mind having his hand on my butt really, but I did feel a bit uncomfortable knowing that the ones standing behind might see.

  He didn't seem to care, he simply continued his conversation, exchanging a few fake grins with Marcus - the guy next to Nia.. Xander had his drink in his other hand and casually took a sip. I was basically turned a bit towards him, and with his hand pulling and playing around my back, then my butt, he knew exactly that I would shift and only push myself even closer to him. Well, I couldn't complain really, I did get the attention I wanted.

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