Ch 28: One prize

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My whole body seemed paralyzed. I couldn't move. I was barely able to flatter my eyes open. I could feel the panic inside me and I didn't even know what it was from. Just a bad dream, I immediately told myself.. But it seemed so damn real.. The only thing I could remember was feel a caress over my leg before I woke up. And everything other than that was a blur.

I could still feel the tremors going underneath my skin.. The goosebumps over it. My mind was blank and I was barely aware where I was when I opened my eyes.. I just knew I could feel myself slightly shaking, even though my skin was burning from how hot it was. I tossed the sheet on the side, turned, and looked towards the other side of the dark room. The dread was still crawling inside me and I didn't even know what had me so paralyzed to my spot.

I pushed myself to sit up, put immediately felt this burn from my palm when I leaned on it. I glanced at my hand and the middle of my palm had a few cuts and was bleeding, very little but it still hurt. I frowned, bringing my hand closer and trying to see a bit better.. Turns out, I dug my nails so harshly while clenching my fists, it cut my skin. Exactly four nail prints.

I reached over towards the lamp on my nightstand and turn it on. I couldn't even remember what I dreamed about. I just knew I felt like someone touched my leg and it was what woke me up. It was probably just the sheet. But the intensity of whatever was going thought my mind still had my muscles tensed, leaving me with cuts from my own nails from how hard I clenched my fists.

I was still shaking. My eyes were wide open and just like that, there was no track of that sleeplessness. I was left sitting in the middle of my bed, legs crossed, surrounded by all the 7 pillows, and staring in front of myself. No, I couldn't sleep.

Running a hand through my hair, I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was 2 in the morning. We were back following the human time, which meant sleeping during the nights. I thought perhaps it was the previous day.. The whole fight with Xander maybe left me traumatized in a way so I was having bad dreams. I wasn't even sure if it was a bad dream.. I just knew that I felt damn tensed.

I released a sharp breath and rolled myself on the side, sitting on the edge of the bed. I asked Lily to get me a bunch of over sized shirts since they were the most comfortable for me to sleep in, so that's what I had on.. It was the plainest white shirt, and when I was at home I usually went without any underwear, but now I was in a different situation, and I still had to be careful around the house.

The only thing crossing my mind was Xander. This didn't happen before.. I mean, we never argued before because it was usually him just setting my straight and scolding me or whatever. But for the past two weeks I didn't even do many mistakes, so we barely even saw each other.. And then there was the fight..

I could still see the anger in his eyes, the madness going on behind it.. I kept thinking that I hadn't seen him like that before. He was angry in a different way and I couldn't get around the fact that he could actually care that much.. You would think that in places such as this world.. Perhaps back when there were harems and when girls didn't have their rights to speak freely that men didn't give two craps if their girl was doing something with someone else.. I suppose it triggered some, it made them hate the woman that did such thing.

But Xander.. He was furious. He went insane. I could hear stories like that and I wouldn't be able to bare the thought of someone acting like that around me.. A part of me found an excuse in his behavior. He was a vampire, and the human traffic they had going on was a serious part in their lives. However, he could've just killed me.. He could've acted like his arrogant nature and he could've killed me right in the moment he saw me with Gabriel.. But no, Xander actually showed affection and I had never seen such emotion within him.

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