Chapter 2

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Stephen James as Nathaniel Smith^

Andy's P.O.V

I spend the rest of the day as expected, being pointed at accompanied by not so quiet whispers as I walk by. I try my best to ignore them but I hate attention and the eyes plastered to my skin didn't help with my rising anxiety. 

It was lunch time and as I walked through the cafeteria, book in hand, towards the lunch line I forget all the stares as the smell of fresh, pepperoni pizza distracted me. As I wait in the line reading my book someone taps on my shoulder, I turn to see Nate. 

"Hi love." He says grabbing an apple from the counter before taking a bite.

"Hi...." I say cautiously confused as to why he was speaking to me.

"Don't tell me the 'you' I talked to earlier was a fake." He says with a frown.

"I'm not fake." I snap, "I'm just confused as to why your talking to me." I say before taking the plate with two slices of pizza Karen gave me, I smile at her when she winks at me.

"How come she gets two slices?" Nate asks angrily.

"Because she's nice and not a hothead."She replies causing me to laugh as I walk away from the two, but Nate follows me.

"I'm sorry, but why are you following me?" I ask as nicely as I possibly could.

"Cause I find you interesting." He replies as I take a seat at an empty table.

"Well your 'interest' in me in bringing a lot of unwanted attention to me, and attention only brings trouble." I say gesturing to the entire school body who was looking at us intensely. They all however looked away when Nate turned his attention to them.

"Maybe you need a little bit of trouble in your life." He replies with a smirk before grabbing my other pizza and taking several bites before I can snatch it back.

"Why you little piece of -"

"Hey Andy!" Emily says interrupting me, "and your with him." She says slowly as she realises Nate is with me.

"I'm a human, with feelings and a name." He spits in response.

"If your going to stay you have to chill with the attitude." I say defensively, he looks at me in shock but I ignore him and turn to Emily.

"Never pegged you to be the dog whisper." She says as she sits which earns a low growl from Nate.

"I'm not, shut up." I say before stuffing my head into my book.

"Is that all you do? Read?" Nate asks, but I don't answer. He waits for a response that'll never come. When I'm reading I tune everything and everyone out, their voices become distant sounds. 

Suddenly my book is snatched from my hands, I look up to find the source. I see Nate dangling the book in his hand before stuffing it in his jacket pocket.

"Are you trying to die?" I ask angrily.

"You will get this back after lunch, when you have a proper conversation with the people around you." He says with a smug smile. 

I try to retrieve my book but my efforts are in vain, he was stronger than me and easily shoved me away repeatedly. After many failed attempts I sit down in frustration with my arms crossed like I child denied candy.

"Now, what is your name?" He asks but I ignore him still upset.

"I'm quite alright with drowning your book if you don't comply." He says with a smirk, I stiffen at the thought of my book drenched. Emily covers her mouth trying not to laugh but immediately stops when I glare at her.

"Andy." I reply quietly.

" Toy Story?" He replies innocently, but this just causes Emily's little control to crumble.

"Your really starting to piss me off." I reply slapping Emily who doesn't stop laughing.

"What so funny?" A guy says as he takes a seat down at the table next to Nate.

"I have no idea." Nate replies not knowing that Emily finds basically everything funny.

"Um....who are you?" I ask confused, he stares at me in shock before handing Nate a ten dollar bill.

"Dude I told you, if she didn't know me she wouldn't know you." Nate says taking the money happily.

"I didn't think such a girl existed." He replies with a chuckle.

"Cocky much?" Emily says sobering up from her laughing.

"And who may you be?" The guy says to Emily with a bright smile.

"Emily." She replies as she eats her lunch.

" have I never seen you around?" He asks clearly trying to flirt with Emily.

"Maybe because you were too busy trying to cure the STD's you got from fucking the whole cheer-leading squad." Emily says casually. This causes Nate to laugh so loudly, that I had to cover my ears. His friend stayed silent with his mouth hung wide in shock of how blunt Emily was.

"Your that guy.........David, the man whore." I say realising who he was, this just makes Nate laugh harder and he almost falls off the chair laughing.

"Ouch!" David says holding his chest,"you didn't tell me she was mean." David said to Nate who was still laughing uncontrollably.

"I like these two." Nate says finally regaining control of himself.

"That's nice and all, but can I get my book back please?" I ask, I was feeling naked without my book.

"Not until I get to know more about you." He says teasingly.

"Check my facebook account." I reply

"That's a trick, she doesn't have one." Emily pipes in.

What happened to being my best friend?

Nate looks at me waiting, forcing me to oblige. 

"I'm actually kryptonian and Superman is my brother." I deadpan causing David to laugh. But Nate isn't so amused and stares at me seriously.

"Fine. I like books and Emily is my best friend." I say.

"That's it?" He asks.

"I'm not much." I say with a shrug.

"See that's where we disagree. I think there's a little badass in you who just needs a little shove." He says leaning in.

"Um no." I say with a laugh, "and if there is one, please leave her alone." I say rising from my seat when the bell rings. Emily walks away and David quickly runs after her.

"Now if you would give me my book." I say with my hand out, but Nate just looks at it for a while thinking.

"No." He says standing up, towering over me making me gulp.

"But you said t-" 

"I know what I said, but one thing you should know about me love." He says leaning down so close to my ears, that his warm breath caused me to blush. " to never trust a word I say." He says before walking away.

"I'll be waiting in the back parking lot after school, if you want your book back I wouldn't be late." He shouts before leaving me alone in the now deserted cafeteria.

Isn't my life just amazing.


So chapter 2, I hope you enjoyed the little conversation.

I hate when people touch my books so I can relate.

Anyways make sure to vote, comment and share.

Until next time,

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee humans.

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