Chapter 37

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Andy's P.O.V

Nate continued to stare at with that intense stare, his eyes holding me in place, I unconsciously squirm under his gaze hoping he'd stop soon. I was already nervous and this wasn't helping.

"Hey." He finally says making me let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hey." I say again raising my eyes to his own, after some awkward silence I decided to speak up. "I wanted to talk."

"Yeah, yeah." He says quickly rubbing his palms against his jeans, "your want to sit?" I nod and take a seat at the edge of his bed. This was the stiffest we've ever been around each other. We usually either bickered like an old married couple or talked for hours like best friends, but the atmosphere was so tense as we were both walking on eggshells around each other.

"So, I heard about Rebecca." I say getting straight to the point looking at him to catch his reaction. The hope bleeds from his eyes and is instantly replaced by horror and disbelief with a growing anger in the background.

"How much?" His voice was dangerously low but I decided to let it go.

"I know she's in a coma." I say making him visibly wince, "that you guys went in to an active crime scene perfectly fine and something happened inside that made her leave unconscious." I say in a monotone tone.

"Who told you?"

"Is that really important right now?" I ask trying to bury the unnecessary irritation I was feeling, he doesn't respond but quickly buries his head in his large hands with a sigh.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you." I say making him look up at me with wide eyes. "I thought you were a lying bastard and thought you were cheating on me. I'm not 100% in the fault because you didn't offer a reason for your strange behavior, but I didn't give you the benefit of the doubt." I confess feeling like a weight had been lifted from my heavy shoulders.

"I'm sorry too. I just don't like talking about that day or anything that had to do with it." He says with a groan.

"What happened that day?"

"It was stupid." He begins making my eyes widen, I didn't think he'd actually tell me. "It was my idea to steal the cop car, Rebecca had no complaints, she never did. She was thrilled and before I knew it we were speeding down the highway in a police cruiser. We were laughing like we had no care in the world, because we didn't. Rebecca had a horrible home and I wasn't really in a hot spot myself, we comforted each other but we also slowly destroyed each other. When the cop call came on for a shooter, Rebecca jumped at the chance for danger. It was a drug to her, one she couldn't seem to get off of. I obliged driving us there, I was fine with just seeing it. I wasn't fine with going in, but I didn't want her to go in alone. So I followed." He says with a sigh, tensing up visibly. I quickly run my hand against his back supportively, as the other rubs his shoulder lightly.

"We went through the back door, we eventually found the shooter. He was mess. You could tell he wasn't experienced since he was so antsy which made him even more dangerous. They're were a few people crying in corners as the guy swung his gun around like he wasn't holding lives in his hand. He was waiting for the banker to fill the duffel with money, it was a small corner firm so it wasn't heavily protected and the guard was already dead." He says cringing a bit as he grinds his teeth in pain. "Rebecca wanted to help the people, but more importantly, stop the guy. It wasn't because of obvious reasons, it was because Rebecca liked trouble and a guy with a gun was her personal little trouble. I know it sounds messed up but if you knew her life before that day you'd understand, you'd get her obsessive need to find trouble everywhere she went. So when the guy got the money and killed the clerk she jerked away from our hiding spot. The guy aimed the gun at the people but Rebecca got to him first. Running towards him like a crazy person before tackling him to the ground. The gun slide away and she straddled him easily, she punched him a good number of times while I told the people to run to the back exit. I got everyone out so when I returned to see Rebecca punching the living shit out he guy I couldn't help but feel a bit proud. It was so unrealistic that I thought I was high half the time, I just couldn't believe that we took the guy out and saved so many people. I stood behind watching as Rebecca beat the guy to a bloody pulp, letting her anger flood out through her fist. When she was done she sat there breathing heavily before she started laughing. She got up kicking the guy before strutting over to me, one of her rare smiles plastered to her face. By the time I was too late." He said his voice breaking as he gripped onto me like I was his only support. "He s-shot her, right in the head."

I couldn't even hold back the gasp that escaped my lips as Nate started at the ground as he unknowingly started shaking in my arms.

"He killed himself right after, I didn't care but it wasn't the nicest thing to see someone die before your eyes. Rebecca was barely hanging on when the ambulances and authorities burst in, I had her tight in my arms, she was looking at me but she was clearly slipping. She looked up at me before smiling widely, when they took her from me her eyes were already closed. "

"Nate I'm so sorry." I say honestly not knowing how much tighter I could've held him. He leaned his head on my shoulder as he gripped onto my tightly.

"The doctors said she was lucky to be in a coma, but it didn't feel lucky. It felt like someone took away my best friend and my girlfriend, a piece of me went with her that day." He said emotions swimming in his dark eyes, "you've slowly filled it though." I pipe up as he looks at me for the first one.

"You slowly started putting me back together and I know I haven't been the best boyfriend and for that I'm sorry, but I could never loose you. You're all I have." He says looking at me desperately, it didn't take me long to pull his lips into mine. I missed his touch so much. "I'm so sorry for everything love." He says breaking the kiss, resting his forehand against my own.

"It's okay. I forgive you." I say with a smile that seems to brighten him up a bit too. "So that day you kicked me out your car, what happened?"

"The doctors called, she woke up." He says making my eyes roll out their sockets. "I wasn't really in the mood to explain to you about everything when I heard that she had just woke up, I know it was wrong of me but I needed to see my best friend."

"I thought David was your best friend."

"She was too." He replied simply.

"So what happened?" I ask curiously.

"I was too late when I got there. She was in a sort of lapse that some coma patients go through before they die, it's a five to ten interval where they are up and awake.........and I missed it." He says his eyes welling up a bit.


"I didn't tell you because I couldn't. Her parents wanted to have a peaceful funeral and Rebecca wasn't the most loved in the school. They didn't want to risk anything negative happening even though they were the negative ones there." He explains making me nod in understanding. "I had to go to school and pretend that everything was okay. That I didn't just hear that my ex died, that I didn't know I'd never see her again, that I didn't here that she was asking for me but I wasn't there."

"God Nate I'm so sorry!" I say remembering how I was screaming at him for leaving me when he was grieving. That I wasn't there when he needed me the most.

"It's okay love, you didn't know. You can't blame yourself." He says kissing my cheek to rid my cheeks of the stray tear that escaped me. We stayed quiet for a really long time, there was no more to say, everything was open and I had my boyfriend back.

"Wait...if she was in a coma, who is always calling you?" I ask remembering how he always seemed to get these random calls that immediately angered him. At the mention of the calls he visibly tenses up, dragging his hands from my own and standing up quickly.

"I-I can't.." he says backing up.

"Nate." I say calmly standing up to slowly follow his steps, "we've come this far. Don't back out now, who is it?" I ask take a step forward each time he took one back. When his back hit the wall he visibly froze as I cornered him.

"I'm here for you." I say trying to sound more supportive than cheesy. Nate stays quiet for an eternity just staring down at me, when I was about to give up he opened his mouth.

"It's my birth mother, she wants me back."

I know, a lot happening up above.

I hope I didn't confuse you guys too much and that you enjoyed.

Until next time, 
Byeeeeeeeee humassssss

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