Chapter 5

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Andy's P.O.V

Over the past few weeks Nate, Emily, David and I have become practically inseparable, it was a weird, new friendship but I loved it anyway. They're wasn't a dull moment when we were together and I rarely read in there company.

"Hey Andy, wait up." I turn to see David running over to me through the halls, he almost fell a few times but he eventually made it to me.

David easily became a close friend of mine, all the rumors about him being a cold hearted bastard who broke girls hearts without a second thought were wrong. He was the sweetest, funniest guy I had ever met, he was basically perfect, despite his horrible sense of direction. 

"Morning David." I reply with a smile, before we start walking together.

"So I'm throwing a party tonight, you have to come." He says ecstatically.

"It's a weekday." I reply.

"It's a Friday." David deadpans.

"That's still a weekday." I say, "doesn't matter though, I don't do parties." I reply as I stop at my locker to grab some books.

"But parties are amazing and spectacular, and my parties...............they will change your life." He says proudly.

"That's nice and all, but I like my life the way it is." I reply, causing David the whine loudly bringing way too much attention to us.

"David shut up!" I whisper while trying to cover his mouth, but his noises don't stop even through my hand. I eventually manage to hold his mouth so tightly all noises cease and I sigh in relief. Suddenly I feel a wet moisture on my hand and realise that he licked my hand, I immediately remove it in disgust.

"Ew David, come on!" I reply wiping it off on his shirt, "I don't know where that thing has been." 

"What did he do now?" Nate says joining us.

"She didn't want to come to my party and tried to deny me my free will of speaking, so drastic measures were taken." He replies.

"That's not even close to what happened." I retort, but before David can protest he spots Emily who immediately steals his attention. He rushes towards her without a secound thought.

"That boy has the attention span of a peanut." I say watching him run away, I turn to Nate who looks a bit upset.

"You don't want to go to the party?" He asks.

"You know that's not my scene." I reply as we start making our way to our class. It turns out Nate has been in my class for years, he just rarely ever came to class so I never saw him.

"It'll be fun, the music, the dancing." He says.

"My bed, snacks and a book is my idea of fun. I don't see myself having a good time at a party." I reply as we take our seats.

"How can you not have a good time with me there?" 

"You know what I mean." I reply.

"Come on, live a little! It'll be epic, I won't leave your side the entire night." He begs. I never been to a party, I never wanted to. It just wasn't appealing to me, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think a night with Nate wouldn't be fun.

"Fine.....but I'm not drinking." I say firmly, but I don't think Nate heard a word through his celebrating.


"Your coming to the party?" Emily asks in disbelief at the lunch table, while David hugs Nate for convincing me.

"Yeah...." I reply with a small smile.

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