Chapter 41

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You guys are running in second place with a total of six votes. Make sure to vote up on chapter 40, for the triple update.

"Another party?" I ask skeptically as David raves on about some party he was having based on some ideas he got from Tomorrowland.

"What do you mean another? I haven't had one since the last, the people are hungry. I must give them what they deserve." He says seriously making the table erupt in laughter.

"I'll come if Smith promises to not let it end the way it did last time." Emily says glaring at Nate who looked unshaken.

"Yeah whatever." He says clearly not completely listening. "Just make sure you invite Zane." He and Zane had quickly become friends since their first encounter, every time I went to the store Nate was already there laughing it up with Zane. He stole my friend and they were undoubtedly attached to the hip.

"If we invite Zane, Matt has to come. Is a drunk depressed Matt really the best thing to have on our hands?" I ask looking around at the table of thoughtful faces.

"He's getting better, he doesn't just stare at the broom he actually sweeps the ground." David offers, "oh, I think I saw him smile last Friday."

"That's an improvement." Emily says hopefully.

"He needs to let off some steam, alcohol is the best way to rid your mind of all the bad shit in your life." Nate says taking a sip from his juice box. "Let the guy have some fun."

"If anything goes wrong it's on you." I say using my pizza slice to point at him before shoving it in my mouth. 


"What makes you think I want to go to a party filled with highschoolers?" Zane says as he stacks a shelf with some potato chips.

"I don't know, I just assumed you would." I answer honestly as I watch him work.

"I'm pretty sure there's some law I'd be breaking, so the answer is no." He says before pushing the cart further down the aisle before stacking again.

"Just stay away from anyone under eighteen and you'll be fine." I say but he shakes his head no making me frown. "Come on, Matt needs this."

"I'm not stopping him from going, take him. God knows I need a night without watching some sad romance flick." He says shivering at the memory.

"He listens to you, you have to come." I protest as Matt walks over to us at a painfully slow pace. 

"Listen up mattress, there's a party tonight at that kid David's house. You're going to go and you're not going to infect anyone else with your depression." Zane says firmly.

"Whatever." Matt says rolling his eyes before walking away.

"Why do you call him mattress?" I ask as we walk to the front of the store.

"Matt-ress, plus he lazes around and does nothing, just like a mattress." His logic made no sense but who was I to poke holes in his beliefs.

"That's wonderful, Nate and I will pass for him around ten, what's your address?"

"None of your business, meet us outside the store." He says defensively before sliding over the counter and sitting in his usual chair.

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