Chapter 12

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Andy P.O.V

Wake up in the morning feeling like p-diddy, grab my glasses I'm out the door I'm gonna hit this city.

My music blasted as I took a quick shower for school, you knew I was in a good mood if I was playing Ke$ha. 

"Before I leave brush my teeth with a bottle of jack." I sang along happily, dancing and almost slipping a few times. I must've been really happy, because I even decided to put on a little make up and even a different clean pair of jeans, that the one I usually wore.  To top things off, I threw on a crop top.

It was one of those rare mornings where you woke up not completely hating the world and wanted to hug a stranger. It happened every blue moon and I milked it completely when I got one. 

I walked into my kitchen still playing Ke$ha songs softly in my ears. My eyes lit up when they focused on the plate of blueberry pancakes, a smoothie and strawberries and berries on the side. 

"I love you guys, you know that." I say to my parents as I stuff my mouth with the beautiful food.

"One of those days?" My dad asked sensing my different mood.

"Yeah." I say with a toothy grin.

"That explains the Ke$ha." My mom says as she sips on her coffee. 

After I finish my food, I head outside to wait for Emily. Instead of sitting with a book I danced on my patio to the music only I could hear.

"Don't tell me me leaving was all it took to get you out your hollow shell." I hear a voice say, I turned to see Matt. He was leaning against his side of the fence with one of his deadly smiles.

"Matt!" I screamed running towards him, he met me halfway on the sidewalk and we crashed into each other in a hug.

Matt was my first friend, every memory of my childhood he was in, Emily came after him and she always hated him because she knew we were close. He knew everything there was to know about me and I him, we were friends since birth and were tighter than rope. I had the biggest crush on him growing up but it faded away when he left. 

--------- Nine Years Earlier ---------

"Andy I got some bad news." 

"I already heard about Barney being cancelled, it's really tragic." I say sadly.

"What does tragic mean?" He asks confused.

"It's something really sad." I explain.

"You read too many books Andy." He says, angry that he didn't know the things I did.

"You read too little Matty." 

"Stop calling me that!" He exclaims angrily and I stick my tongue out at him.

"But that's not the bad news......I'm moving." He says with his head down.

"WHY?" I scream.

"I don't know, mommy says I need to go with grandpa." He says.

"Not you too Matt, everyone is leaving." I say with tears in my eyes.

"They wouldn't let me stay." He says with his voice cracking a little.

"B-but I need you." I say sobbing, he looks up to me and hugs me.

"Don't cry Andy, I'll come back." He says squeezing me tightly.



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