Chapter 30

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Andy's P.O.V

Nate dragged me from the cafeteria all the way to the roof, he opened it quickly shutting it behind us. Only then does he let out a breath, I was confused beyond words so I just stood there patiently waiting for an explanation.

"Nate what was all of that about?" I ask crossing my arms.

"All of what?" He asks innocently running his hand through his messy hair before quickly pulling the lawn chair from the corner. He lies on it with open arms and I resist the urge to jump into his arms like old times and instead stare at him for answers. He sighs before sitting up a bit.

"I just got a little angry, it happens some times." He says and I frown.

"A little angry, you broke that guy's nose." I deadpan.

"He deserved it." 

"He did absolutely nothing!" I protest in disbelief.

"He mentioned her!" He roared in response standing up. I usually would back down but I decided to push it, I needed to know.

"Who....Rebecca?" I push, he stiffens as the name leaves my tongue as he clenches his knuckles. He remained quiet, his body glued to his spot. 

"Who is she?" I ask walking to him slowly. He avoids eye contact desperately as his eyes search frantically for something to take his mind off the topic. When I get closer I grab his face in my hands and force him to look at me.

"Who is she?" I question again but more firmly this time, his eyes were anxious and looked troubled. 

"I don't want to talk about it." His voice came out shaky but still heavy.

"Well I do, so who is she?" I push again, his eyes beg me to leave the subject alone. I ignore the guilty ping that strikes my heart and stand my ground.

"Rebecca is my ex." He says slowly as he removes my hands from his face, he sits down into the lawn chair as he leans forward his hands buried in his face.

"What happened?" I ask softly trying to hide the jealousy I felt rushing through my veins at the mention of an ex.

"Andy please." He begs looking at me with water filled eyes, his voice threatening to break. It broke my heart to see him like this so I dropped it and quickly hug him, his arms instantly grab onto me as he buries his head into my shoulder. I rub his wide back soothingly as I whisper words of love into his ears. 

Eventually his grasp loosened and I realised he feel asleep, I pushed him back slowly into the chair, I struggled to get his heavy legs onto the chair. Eventually I did, I  let out a breath of exhaustion as I looked over Nate's sleeping figure, I slipped in next to him he immediately wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into him as I inhaled his intoxicating scent, smiling at the warmth that surrounded me. 



I groan

"Andy, wake up." 

"Shut up, I'm sleeping." 


"Fuck off!"

I hear chuckling and slowly open my eyes reluctantly to see Nate's blueish green ones staring down at me. He smiled at me brightly with his perfect, pearly, white teeth, I blinked a few times rubbing my eyes as I checked the time. It was four.

Wait, four!

 "It's four!" I shout as I sit up in a hurry, "school ended an hour ago!"

"I know." Nate responds calmly.

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