Chapter 4

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Ashley Benson as Emily Anderson

Andy's P.O.V

"It's not that bad Andy." Nate says as he sits on his bike with a helmet in his hand for me. The thing screamed death trap, it looked fast, dangerous and unstable. I was afraid to even touch it.

"I don't want to die." I say recapping my entire life.

"You will not die." Nate replies, "do you trust me?"

"No." I deadpan.

"Well your gonna have to learn to, now get on the bike. Or do you not want your book?" He says knowing that my weakness was books. I stare at the helmet thinking,

"I'll even throw in an extra book." He says which automatic sells me and before I know it I'm climbing onto the bike. I place the helmet on a wait.

"You have to hold onto me." He says putting his helmet on. I hold onto his shoulders causing him to laugh like crazy.

"You have to wrap your arms around my waist." He says before pulling my arms around him, my heart rate rises at the sudden closeness but I try not to show it. I lean my head on his back and we're off. 

I was right. The bike was fast, too fast. Everything looked like one big blur of colours, I shut my eyes and held onto Nate tighter. I think he liked me clenching to him because he kept going faster. 

When we finally arrived to Barnes and Noble, I quickly jumped off the bike and sat on the ground. My body was still in a type of buzz and my eyes were trying to readjust.

"See, not that bad." Nate says with a smirk. I glare at him and try to stomp away, but my legs were like jello and I quickly lose my balance. Before I could hit the ground, an arm snaked it's way around my waist pulling me forward. 

My body was tightly pressed against Nate's, his arms were now wrapped around my waist and my hands were on his chest. His heart was beating just as fast as mine, if that was even possible, I brought my gaze up to him and stared into his eyes. His beautiful eyes, they were a greenish blue and I couldn't help but want to stare into them all day.

No! Stop it now!

"Um thanks." I said pushing myself away from his arms.

"No problem." He replied before leading us towards the store. 


Whenever I entered a book store my attitude changed, I felt joy and tranquility. The soft music in the background, the smell of freshly printed paper, the aisles and aisles of books, the perfectly organised sections, the leather chairs to sit and read on. It was so beautiful. 

"Did you just see Jesus?" Nate says interrupting the moment.

"Shut up." I reply, I wouldn't let him ruin this for me.

As we walked through the store all eyes were on Nate, it was weird for someone like him to be in a book store. The girls were hyperventilating as he walked by, I swear I saw one cry. Nate didn't seem to notice the attention and followed me to the Romance section.

"Your a romantic huh." He said leaning against a shelf as I searched for the book.

"Everyone is a romantic, they just need the right book to bring it out of them." I say simply.

"Whatever you say Budda." He replies, I ignore the comment and continue to look for the book.

When I finally found another copy of the book I 'lost', along with a new book I turned to Nate. He looked bored out of his mind. 

PoisonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang