Chapter 17

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Andy's P.O.V

I left my last class for the day still tingling inside from the time I spent with Nate during lunch. I raised my fingers to my lips at the memory, it was still hard for me to believe that Nate shared feelings for me as well. I felt a smile creep its way on my face and I let it stay, I walked happily to my locker only to find Nate there already.

He was leaning against it with his eyes closed and arms crossed, I felt my smile grow wider at the sight of him.

"You just can't stay away from me can you?" I tease as I walk towards him. His eyes jolt open and eventually land on me, he straightens up and smiles as I approach him.

"Don't get a big head, I just thought you'd need a ride since David is with Emily." He responds as I grab some stuff from my locker.

"Why does she never tell me these things?" I reply thinking how Emily never tells me when she can't take me home. I really needed to get a car soon, I could drive, I just didn't have a ride.

"You should be happy, you get to spend time with me." He says with a smirk, "I know it's the highlight of your day." He finished before he starts walking away. 

I gasp and shut my locker, before running after him.

"You think to much of yourself." I reply as we walk out the school causing him to chuckle slightly. We head to his car and I slide in a sigh as I relax in his comfortable seat.

"If your not doing anything, do you want to come by my house?" He asked nonchalantly.

His house? Meaning I'd see where he grew up, his bedroom. Meet his parents, I knew the Smith's but just from one conversation. 


His siblings.....does Nate even have siblings? Were they like him or were they polar opposites? My mind was racing with all the things I'd see in his home and completely forgot that Nate was sitting awaiting my response.

"So is that a no?" He asks hesitantly after I didn't respond.

"No!" I reply a bit too loudly and quickly, "I'd love to go to your house." I replied calmly with my head down, embarrassed at my outburst. He chuckled before putting a song to play and driving away. The drive wasn't long, our neighbourhood was close to the school plus Nate drove like a mad person. We passed my house and pulled up to his own.

When he turned off the engine my nerves started kicking in, I followed Nate's lead stepping out the car. I squeezed my fingers as I walked over to him, he must've noticed my nerves because he grabbed one of my hands and led me to his house. He opened the door and the smell of freshly cooked food hit me like a wave, along with the joyful screams of children. 

He lead me through his house, my eyes picked up on same pictures on the walls of Nate along with some other kids. I didn't get a good count because he was walking so fast, I mentally reminded myself to check these out another time. 

He opened a door to a room with a huge TV showing The Backyardigans and three kids jumping on the couch as they watched, there was one girl and two boys. All heads snapped towards the door and their faces filled with glee when they spotted Nate.

"Nathaniel!" They shouted in unison as they ran over to him.

"Hey!" He replies with just as much enthusiasm as he throws the two boys on his shoulders while the girl tried to scale his body like a pole. I couldn't help but smile at the sight before me, Nate looked like a dad with kids all over him and it was so cute.....and hot if I'm being honest.

"Where were you?" One asked.

"You took too long!" Another whined while pounding his back. The girl just stayed quiet but held onto him tightly.

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