Chapter 43

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Walking over to Emily's house was probably the worst thing I've ever had to do in my entire life. How the hell was I supposed to do tell my best friend that her boyfriend, who was one of my closest friends, was with another girl last night. I am never going to a party ever again, it's a place of misery and heartbreak.
Taking a deep breath, I knock on Emily's front door playing with my fingers nervously as my heart starts to race. This was madness? Was it even my place to interfere, who am I kidding it's a best friend's duty. The door swings open revealing a close to death looking Emily, her eyes stay glued to my own before they fill with unshed tears. I quickly pull her into a hug as she starts sobbing clenching onto me desperately, I rub her back soothingly as she wets my shirt with her tears. After a while I decide it's better if I take her inside, closing and locking the door behind us, I walk to her room while holding her in a tight embrace. Once in her room she rushes to her bed, burying her face in one of her pillows.

"Emily..." What could I really say? I'm sorry your boyfriend cheated on you, that'd just make things worse.

"I can't believe I ever trusted that bastard!" She screams lifting her face from the pillow.

"You can't blame yourself." She didn't listen as she continued to cry while, I tried to talk to her about how she was feeling or what might've caused it but she wasn't having it.

Eventually she fell asleep in my arms after hours of crying and ranting about all the ways she was going to kill him. After tucking her into bed, I head to the kitchen to make some food for her. Knowing Em she's been too busy plotting to eat anything, when I'm done I return to find her already awake staring blankly at her phone. I walk over, resting the food down first before heading over to see what she was looking at so intently. When my eyes focus on the picture that started this all I snatched the phone away from her, she doesn't even try to get it back, she just continues to stare at the place it was a moment ago.

"That's Bridget. One of the cheerleading, she's loved David forever and everyone knows it. He went for her because he knew no one else would do it knowing we were a couple." She says before looking at me, I frown not really following. "I've been convincing myself since I saw the picture that he was drunk and didn't know, so after some beatings and the silent treatment we'd be fine or something. But he wasn't drunk, he went for the one person who he could cheat on me with. It's wasn't an accident, he did it on purpose." Her words make my jaw hang low as she rolls under her sheets hiding herself from the world that has been cruel to her since the day she was born.

"God Em, I'm so sorry." I say my voice leaking with pity that I knew she'd hate.

"Can you just leave please?" She says not bothering to look my way. "I need to be alone or I'll end up hitting you. I'll eat the food, thanks. Just leave though."

"I understand, call if you need me. I'll check back in an hour." I say before kissing her head lightly before leave her room and then her house.

"What are we going to do?" Nate asks as he picks me up to take me back to Emily's house. He had insisted on coming, he'd been arguing that David didn't know what he was doing, that he'd never cheat on Emily. I didn't want to get on a fight so I left him with his stupid beliefs and sticked with my own.

"I don't know. It's a mess." I say rubbing my tired eyes. I still had a slight hangover and I needed to sleep but I had to take care of my best friend so drowsiness would have to take a step back.

"She's going to kill him." Nate says tapping the steering wheel anxiously. "No that's too easy, she's going to castrate him and then me."

"Why you?" I ask in confusion.

"I'm guilty by association." He says nervously. "I'm serious Andy, we're losing a friend today and potential children."

"Right now isn't the time to be making jokes." I say with a yawn.

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