Chapter 40

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Chapter 40! We've reached so far guys!!!

"So you guys want to hang out after school?" David asks balancing a pencil on his nose.

"Always." Emily answers immediately knocking the pencil off his nose, earning herself a frown from David.

"We can't, I'm taking Andy out on a date." Nate says making my eyes shoot up from the book I was reading.

"Since when?"

"Since now." He says with a smirk as his arm finds its way around my chair.

"Sorry, but I can't. I agreed to go out with Zane and Matt today." I say making him visibly tense.

"Who's Zane?" He asks making me frown.

"You know Zane....that works in the shop around that corner." He just raises one eyebrow in response. "Sorry, owns."

"Zane owns that shop!" Emily says in disbelief, I nod viciously still in disbelief. Emily had met Zane on several occasions since our first meeting, she called him The Ice Cream Dealer since she believed that he enhanced my addiction with ice cream.

"And that asshole made me pay for something I knocked over because he said his boss would be angry." David says frowning making me snicker.

"How does everyone know this guy but me?" Nate says in frustration making me refocus my attention to him, when we all shrug in response he scowls. "Well I'm going with you."

"Once you don't do anything stupid it's cool." I say returning my attention to my awaiting book zoning out any further conversation the others continued having.


"Who is this now?" Zane asks smugly as we approached Matt and him at the arcade entrance. "You know for a self-claimed nobody you sure no a lot of people."

"Zane this is Nate, Nate, Zane." I say ignoring his comment.

"The infamous Nathanial!" Zane says with raised eyebrows, accompanied by a mischievous smile while stretching out his hand for Nate. "The shit she has a said about you." He snickers.

"I can only imagine." He says cautiously before glancing my way as he gave Zane's hand a quick shake.

"Can we just get the damn coins?" Matt says dryly with an annoyed expression. He'd been extremely hostile the last few days but he had every right to be, so nobody said anything about it.

"Can you just change your damn attitude?"

That is everyone except Zane.

The guy had no sympathy to Matt, and if he did, he didn't show it in the slightest. He acted the exact same way he did with the rest of us, but with an extra hint of sarcasm. And for some reason unknown to me, Matt accepted it.

"Let's have some fun!" He says dragging Matt inside with him.

"He's a little......" Nate starts.

"Different?" I offer with a smile that he happily returns.

"Yeah, a little different."


"For fuck sake! Drive the damn car!"

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