Chapter 22

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Andy's P.O.V

We'd been in the place for a good two hours and we only just found our tents. The other didn't like it when I called it a tent, but it was a tent. Two small tents surrounded by thousands of others just like it. Emily and I were sharing one and I frowned a bit, I wanted to sleep with Nate.

No...not that way!

Who am I kidding yes I did!

I REALLY did...

"Andy!" Emily shouts snapping me out my thoughts, "let's go. I want to see the friendship garden." She says excitedly.

"Em, we literally just sat down after two hours of pointlessly walking around." I say laying down on my sleeping bag.

"It wasn't pointless, now get up." She says pulling me out the tent. I grown as I law on the grass under me as people walk by us. Suddenly I'm lifted up and I turn to see Nate, multiple beads of sweat ran down his chiseled abs and I gulped with my eyes widened as I openly stared at his beautiful body. 

He was shirtless.....and boy did he pull off being shirtless. His body still amazed me and every chance I got at seeing his muscle line and abs was a blessing to me.

"I don't want to go to some stupid friendship garden either. I want to go the Rave Cave." He states with a smirk from catching me staring at him causing me to blush.

"I've never been to a rave." I say shyly.

"First time for everything." He retorts quickly. 

"I don't know....." I say scratching my head, it wasn't really attractive to me.

"Come to the cave love, it'll be fun." He says seductively putting me down. He gave me a kiss on my cheek as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my jaw line and continued down my neck knowing my weak spots. 

"Fine, fine. Get off me!" I say shoving him away, anymore of that and I'd drag him into the tent and never come out. 

"Well we'll be going to the garden, we'll find you guys later." David says leading an excited Emily away.

"Wait." I shout glancing down at my clothes, I was still wearing my hoodie despite Emily's promise. 

"Can you help me out with....this?" I ask motioning to myself and she nods happily. She pulls us back into the tent pulling out a shirt and pants before throwing them my way and leaving me to change. I changed quickly, it was a not too low, black, crop top and ripped short pants. I put on my flower crown from the plane and did my hair quickly before climbing out the tent once again.

I bounce into Nate's back, he looked like he was blocking it from unwanted company and I smiled as I rubbed my head. He turned quickly apologising before he looked at me from head to toe, a mischievous grin formed on his face at my appearance and I felt myself melt a little under his gaze.

"We'll let's go love."


The cave wasn't too far and as we approached it I felt my palms becoming sweaty, the cave was overflowing with people dancing outside of it. I frowned wondering how we would get in, but Nate grabbed my sweaty palms and lead me through the crowd until we were in the middle. 

It was dark inside and I almost forgot the sun was still beaming outside, the neon lights lit up the dark space enough for me to make out some of Nate's features. The music was honestly not my favorite and I wanted to leave, but the look I saw on Nate's barely lit face made me swallow my complaints. Instead I tried to move to a single beat as there were so many, I jumped with everyone else and slowly felt myself lose myself in the atmosphere. I felt myself sweating intensely but ignored it and focused on enjoying the time of my life with my boyfriend. We danced happily and I couldn't get over the permanent smile on Nate's face, he must've been dreaming of coming here forever. 

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