Chapter 28

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Andy's P.O.V

My eyes slowly open before blinking a few times as they adjust to my bright surroundings, when I finally come to my senses I realise I'm inside of my tent as the bright sunlight from outside shines inside. I'm delicately wrapped around Nate's body, whose arm surrounds me pulling me into him more. I smile at the memory of last night as a thousand butterflies swirl around inside of me. 

He said he loved me

I felt like a little thirteen year old who just got her first kiss, I wanted to get up and jump around, but I couldn't wake Nate. I peek up quickly to catch a glimpse of my favourite guy.....whom I loved.


As my eyes raise to Nate's face, they immediately find his blueish green ones and widen in surprise. He looks down at me with soft but somehow electrified eyes as he smiles at me. 

"Morning love." He says with his deep voice sending tingles throughout my entire body. 

"Good morning Nathaniel." I respond causing a slight chuckle to escape his lips. He continues to look at me and I struggle to maintain the intense eye contact, I try to look away after some time but his arm quickly pulls me onto him. I straddle him as he lies down with his other arm nicely tucked under his head. I've been with Nate for so long that I shouldn't be blushing, but I still felt the warmth invade my cheeks. He continues to look at me to the point I was becoming annoyed.

"What?" I ask in agitation with a hint of curiosity.

"I love you." 

The three words send a thousand emotions flying through my body, it was as if the words lit a match to some desolate fireworks inside of me. My already rosy cheeks fully blossom and I struggle to not fidget on him as my body reacts in fits of joy.

"I love you." He says once again as he sits up with me still on him, bringing my face extremely close to his perfect one.

"You can't just say that out of the blue like that." I whisper trying not to look in his eyes as I knew I'd crumble at the sight of his beautiful orbs.

"I love you." He reconfirms lifting me chin up, forcing my eyes to confront his own. As much as I could see the joy in his face I also saw a hint of sadness, probably because I haven't said it back. I get over my gitters caused by the being in front of me and take a deep breath. 

"I love you too." I reply  He looked so happy at my few words and I just wanted to kiss him, but  I refrained knowing the emotions running through us now would lead us to do a lot more than kiss.

Nate however doesn't seem to care and crashes his lips into my own taking me by complete surprise. A thousand bolts of electricity immediately run through my body from his lips on my own, I melted at the feeling and thanked him mentally for supporting me with his arms. I responded to the kiss enthusiastically despite my better judgement to stop. My hands made their way up to his hair and I smiled against his lips at the familiar soft, silky hair in my fingers. He bites my lip begging for entrance but I deny him, he bites it harder now demanding entrance and I submit easy. He slides his tongue into my mouth and mine dances with his own, he easily takes control of the situation completely dominating me in every way. I feel my resolve slipping but I try and grab onto it pushing him away slightly, he grunts in agitation but I put a hand over his lips when he leans forward to continue. His eyebrow raises in confusion.

"I'm not having sex in a tent surrounded by a million other tents." I manage to say through my pants. His eyebrow drops and the look in his eyes tells me he isn't happy with the excuse.

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