Chapter 34

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Andy's P.O.V

When I left the school I just looked forward and I walked, I just kept walking because that was all I could do without breaking down. I kept my eyes ahead and I let my feet lead me. When my phone started to vibrate, I checked it quickly to see Em's name pop up.

"Hey, where are you?" She says sounding antsy.

"Needed to leave, so I left school." I say clearly my throats a bit.

"What happened? I saw Nat-"

"Don't! Don't even say his name." I shout into the phone, after some deafening silence I hear Emily breath.

"Um, I'll talk to you later then. Stay safe please." She says in a whisper before I hang up. I stuff the phone in my pocket and head straight into the nearest corner store I found.

"Welcome." The cashier says as I enter, his face showed his boredom but his voice was trying to be enthusiastic. I ignored him and walked straight to the back pulling out two tubs of ice cream for home and a strawberry popsicle for the walk home. I stumbled to the counter, dumping it down before opening the popsicle and chopping on it.

"Even if you eat it you still gotta pay." The guy says looking at me with amusement, I hum in response eating the cold goodness as it washed away all my problems. When my phone rang I grunted silently to check why Em would be calling again, when Nate's name appeared on the screen I chucked it straight at the wall behind the cashier. He ducked missing it barely as it crashed against the wall cracking and falling to the floor. I screamed angrily when I realised I destroyed my phone and finished the popsicle, I rushed to the back for two more before walking to the cashier again. He was leaning against the counter with a smirk.

"Bad break up?" He asks scanning the items.

"I don't know if we broke up." I say truthfully, pain filling my heart.

"How can you not know?" He asks packing the ice cream into a plastic bag.

"It's a long story." I reply angrily.

"I've got time." He says giving me a smug smile. This guy seemed sly, like I could just tell he would bring a lot of trouble, fun too, but a lot of trouble.

"Sorry, I don't want my ice-cream to melt." I say placing down a twenty and picking up my bag.

"Well I'm always here." He says sitting in his chair and stuffing his head into a magazine. I leave at that and quickly head home.


"Two whole tubs! Andy that's not right." Emily says staring at the empty tubs of Rum and Raisin ice cream on the floor. I just grunted as I wrapped myself up in my sheets.

"What happened?" She asks sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I met a jerk and I started to like him and despite better judgement I started to date him. Even though I knew not to and everyone said not to. Even though he kept messing with my life and bringing unwanted trouble and pain, I dated him because he was nice to me. He didn't treat me like the others, he was great to me. Then he started to be the lying bastard he was to everyone else." I spit out sobbing a little at the end.

"Oh Andy, don't cry. Every tear drop is a gun shot for Nate and to add anymore is just plain cruel." Emily says rubbing my back making me laugh a bit.

"I need more ice-cream." I say quietly.

"You've had enough ice-cream, how about pizza instead?" She asks, I nod in agreement. "I'll get the cinnamon sticks you love so much too."

"Your the best thing in my life Emily." I say finally looking at her. She gives me a heart warming smile before hugging me tightly. She rushed out the house in search of my pizza. I sighed in content at the silent and the feeling of my soft mattress.

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