Chapter 15

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Andy's P.O.V

"Your gay?" I ask in shock.

"Yeah." Matt responds nonchalantly.

"Why am I now hearing of this?" I ask.

"Well you know coming out to my best friend isn't the first thing I was thinking about at ten, that's why...... I left." He finished softly avoiding my eyes.

He chose to leave?

"You told me you were forced to leave.....that you didn't want to." I reply stiffly.

"I lied. I realised I liked guys more than I should and I thought something was wrong with me. I was afraid and....... I didn't want you thinking I was strange. So I left." He says with a sigh, "I tried to run away, literally, and it was good and all until I was forced to face certain.....problems, that completely fucked up my life." He finishes with a weak smile.

I wanted to be mad at him for leaving me for so long but I couldn't, he was going through something a lot deeper than our friendship. I just wish I knew so I could of somehow told him that he wasn't weird, that I loved him all the same. 

"I understand." I say with a smile, "just so you know, I wouldn't of thought that you were weird because of that. You were always a freak regardless of being gay." I finish with a smile and he laughs. I give him a bear hug and he hugged me back tightly, and Nate didn't seem to mind, he understood that we were having a moment and just stayed quiet.


"I'll see you guys Monday." I say waving to David and Emily who were the first to leave. After some pouting and begging, Emily forgave me for not telling her anything about the kiss. I said goodbye to Matt after, who promised to tell me more another time when it was just us. I searched for Nate to kick him out, I was tired and needed to sleep.

I found Nate in the kitchen putting away the dishes we used and my heart instantly warmed up, it was so cute seeing him trying to figure out where to put the bowls. When he finally finished and noticed my presence, his confused face turned into a happy one causing me to smile.

He walked over to me and pulled me into his broad arms slowly. He rested his chin on my head and I snuggled deeper into his chest in search of his warmth.

"I had fun tonight." I mumble into his shirt.

"Me too, some girl confessed to me it was touching, but she isn't my type." He says laughing, I straighten up and hit him repeatedly. He ignores this and continues to laugh uncontrollably, he grabs my wrists easily completely restricting any movement.

"I hate you." I say trying to escape his hold.

"That's a shame because I like you." He replies pulling me closer to him.

"Oh really?" I tease as he leans in.

"Of course." He replies only inches from my lips . He loosens his grip and I slip out of his hold when his lips graze my own. I wink at him and a smirk forms on my lips when I see the shock on his face.

"That was low." He says as I leave the kitchen.

I walk away laughing as he chases after me, I gather his stuff and shove him out the house.

"I will get you back." He states as he towers over me at the door.

"You can try." I reply taunting him, causing a smirk to form on his face quickly. 

"I'll talk to you later." He said with a smile before he begins to make his way down the patio stairs. I nod blushing slightly, it just felt nice saying bye like this. 

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