Chapter 31

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Andy's P.O.V

"Andy stop." Nate says putting me back in my seat. I frown a little in surprise, but I can't ignore the wave of relief that passed over me.

Even though I was the one who initiated it, I had no clue what I was doing.

"Let's just wait a while okay?" He says nervously, probably thinking I was offended or sad.

"Never thought a guy would be the one asking to wait." I tease with a sly smile causing him to return a toothy grin.

"Yeah whatever." He says before shoving his key into the car.

"Thanks." I say softly as the car is brought to life, Nate leans over giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before we drive away from book heaven's parking lot.


"You know this isn't the way home right?" I say skeptically as Nate comes onto the highway.

"I know."

"Then where are we going?" I ask.

"Neverland." He responds with a smirk.

"Don't ever tease about Neverland." I warn causing him to chuckle.

"I don't know where we're going, guess we'll see when we end up there." He says nonchalantly. Usually I'd make a big fuss, but I couldn't be bothered. I'd know when we get there, so I pushed my seat back before getting comfortable and closing my eyes.


"Wake up." Nate says causing me to groan. I could feel the warning afternoon sun on my face through the window, but I just wanted​ to sleep.

"My way then." He says after a little while of trying to wake me up, his tone laced with mischief. I feel his weight leave the car before the door closes softly, not before long I'm drifting back into my slumber.

For some reason my hair was feeling a little damp, I tried to ignore it but then I felt water slowly trickling down my face. When I realise what's happening it's​ too late, my eyes shoot open just as a bucket of ice, cold water is dumped on me.

"Nathaniel!" I shout wiping that wet hair strands out my face trying to see, I hear some laughing close by which makes me boil in rage. My eyes find Nate not too far from the car, a laughing mess.

"I'm going to murder you!" I shout before I jump out the car, my feet press into the damp sandles when I take off towards him.

"You can try." He replies with a smug smile before he runs down a pathway. I immediately chase after him, rage fueling my weak body. He runs down a few steps and I follow. I run for what seems like forever before I start gaining on him, when I'm close behind him, I take the chance. Jumping and tackling him to the ground, I sigh happily as I straddle him panting for dear life.

"That was fun." He says with a blindly smile on his face as he breaths heavily.

"Fun my ass." I reply slapping him all over, before I deliver a final blow of a punch Em taught me how to do.

"You done now?" He says rubbing the place where I punched him, he was trying to look tough but I could tell that one stung like a bitch.

"Yes, I am." I reply before looking up to see the ocean.

Wait, the ocean?

I look down to see I had Nate pinned to sand, we were at the beach and I didn't even realise. They were people exercising, others sitting and few swimming, we must've looked like idiots running around like kids.

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