Chapter 48

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Matt and Zane break apart instantly as they watch me with wide eyes while panic floods their faces, well more Zane's than Matt.

"I told you I didn't want to." Zane says angrily glaring at Matt before sliding off the bed and rushing into some room, locking it immediately.

"You need to leave." Matt says with a pained expression as he slides off the bed and rushes towards me.

"Zane's gay?" I ask in a mental daze as Matt pushes me out the room and down the stairs at an unnecessary paste.

"No." He says quickly, too quickly. I stop the front door before he can shut it before going and picking up my food and heading back.

"What's going on?" I ask looking at him sincerely as he has he mental battle on whether to open up or not.

"He is or maybe bi, I don't know, but he's fighting it." He says sighing as he runs his hands through his hair.

"Is she gone?" Zane voice calls from upstairs.

"You have to go." Matt says giving me an apologetic look as he slowly closes the door. "Forget what you saw, please."

I stand there in shock as I still try to piece together exactly what just happened. The loud voices through the door breaker through my foggy mind, I press my ear to the door as I struggle to head what was going on.

"I told you I didn't want to!" A voice booms, that must've been Zane.

"I'm sorry." Matt replies shakily, he sounded like if he was close to tears. "But you k-kissed me back."

"Well it'll never happen again." Zane spits making me wince as I jump away from the door.
I run down the hall and into the elevator desperate to escape the conversation I wrongfully listened into.
I lean against the elevator wall as my mind races at what I just saw. The most shocking being that Zane was gay and was in some sort of denial, strange since he encouraged Matt to spread his wings and fly.

I walk towards my house in a sort of trance only being pulled out of it when my phone rings loudly. I rustle through my pockets before answering it without looking at the screen.

"Yellow." I say feigning enthusiasm.

"Forget what you saw." I instantly stop walking as I instantly recognize the caller to be Zane. His voice wasn't its usual airy, carefree one, the was much deeper and somehow darker.

"Okay." I say after a moment, I hear him let out a breath from the other line as he remains silent for a long time.

"I'm here, if you want to talk." I offer, he continues his silent streak as i wait patiently from my end.

"I don't want to." He snaps making me frown.

"Just don't hurt Matt." I warn sternly while keeping my voice light. " Either you are in or out, do not drag him along. It's plain cruel after everything he's been through this year."

"I won't ev-" He cuts himself before growling angrily and cutting the call. I stare at the phone wondering what the hell was going to happen with this new situation.

"Excuse me." I snap by head up to see a woman smiling at me with a nervous smile.

"Hello.." I say skeptically as she widens her smile slightly.

"Andy right?" She asks sending a nerve wrecking chill down my back. I take a step back immediately as my childhood warnings of dangerous strangers with candy floods my mind.

"No." I say narrowing my eyes at the slightly familiar looking lady.

"I know you are Darling." She says before digging in her back making me step back even further.

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