Party Time

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Janvi's ​view,
      It was our last working day of college and hereafter college reopens after Christmas and New year.
   It was a long day moving with classes , principal's wishes followed some cultural activities......At the end of the we bid good bye saying we would meet on 31st morning
   Shreya and I went to our hostel and packed our bags when we heard a knock in our door when I opened it I saw Atharva standing and that's when I came to know that he came to pickup Shreya to drop her in her brother's home. Actually Shreya herself told me that she have a slight crush on Atharva and even I can clearly see in Atharva's eyes too ..I pray they open up their hearts and speak .
    My cousin Suganthi came to pick me up near my hostel with my backpack I claimed in her two wheeler. She is really happy and leading a content life with her lovable husband Vijay.They both  understand each other and share time with each other more. After I reached her flat ,they own their flat they are 3 rooms and I occupy one of them . She is doing blogging and doing some work from home and refused to go to job and ok with being house wife.
    Then we vijay Anna (bro) came and chit chatted for some time and we went to our respective rooms and slept
    After  my 6 days went fun like going to cinema , Mandir, shopping and eating in restuarant and we both together visited her mom's home  and spend a day there.Vijay us so sweet and very genuine person . And these are really fun
On 31st December"
       "Soon Avo Na ...!!!" Shouted Smiley from the car . Yes I am ready with my common attire as of a 3/4 the hand plain green kurti top with some white thread works and yellow leggings and dupatta .Only I am the one who wear modest Dress but all my friends make fun of me saying I am dressing like nun
"Ya coming coming " I gave a voice while taking my bags and other things saying bye to sugan and she spoke to Atharva and got my friends numbr for my safety as I told she is like my second mother
      "No worry Suganthi , we'll take care of  Janvi " told Atharva and then I got inside the car .
The car consists of Ahana, Smiley, Atharva,Shreya and Aarav. The car is Aarav's ,he is only son of a rich business man
      With loud sound beaming in car all rock music ...We started our journey it took about 2 hours to each there.
It was an resort just out of city. It was surrounded acres of forests and plants ..The resort was beautiful we spend lots of time chatting and eating types of seafoods  except me (I am a vegetarian) ,we chatted and
played truth dare .
       All this time me and Aarav became close to each other ,we spoke about our past and present life like common matters. Nearly half of my college occupied this resort and tere is a  party at 10pm in this resort centre. And we all are going to attend them.
  Till now I am unaware of the presence of  Rahul And Mandeep and I don't know but my heart says to stay away from them....
   At the time of party almost all of our college mates were there ...The place was surrounded by loud music and noise .As we entered  we sat in a round table and from long sight I can see guys dancing with a girls and it doesn't seem like dance only . Atharva and Aarav came there with some drinks only me Shreya rejected hot drinks and we took soft drinks
   "Hi guys" we hear a voice behind me ,as I turned I am shocked to see Mandeep there
"Please join us with the party ,it's going to be common for everyone ,and please forget all the previous bitter incidents and join us .." he told
  We are shocked hearing this ohmy god  is this the great arrogant Mandeep Sharma ....Our all mouths are hung open wide
" Yes guys let's forget everything .Let this year be a good start for us " said Rahul with soft voice .
We are very much suprised by their act .
"No problem dude, we'll join" said Aarav
And with a smile they left.
"Sorry Janvi I know what you have faced by them ,they are brought from rich families but they lack in affection and care from friends ,both of their parents don't even give a shit about their life,they only think about money and business" said Aarav in a frustrated state
    " How you know about their parents" asked smiley
"He is a maternal cousin of Mandeep " told Atharva
Ooh I don't know this .I think anybody knows apart from Atharva.
" Ya let it be...And to be frank I forgot all those that day itself  .I just want to be friendly  with everyone" I toldfor which Shreya too nodded and Aarav  relieved a sigh
    So now we all joined the party
"Thank you Janvi" said Mandeep  to which I just smiled ....He offered me a glass of vodka


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