Janvi's sickness..50

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Janvi's view',
"Achoooo..." Oh god this is my sixteenth sneeze of this cold day...it's really a nice cold climate in Delhi today...
" Here take this hot water" Vikroon handed me the glass and sat beside me ...
He reaction makes me laugh so much.. I really made him so much pathetic yesterday. .
After our encounter in the gym room ... Our evening went if like that... He mostly avoided me... First I was not that much caring about his looks on me ... But now I am because I love him...
That night itself we came back to our house... Yes from now on this is our house and I am going to take this relationship seriously...
We didn't speak that much nor had any eye contact..
This man some times make feel like I am all his and sometimes like he don't even care..
After reaching out home yesterday .. we freshened up and got ready to sleep... But I really had a bad nausea...after that​ mutton fry....
That really made me uneasy.. and nausea was also accompanied by cold... If I am affected with cold I will have severe cough and sneeze..but I managed to make myself to bed..

At midnight... Vikroon was in deep sleep...
I was having heavy cough..and I was unable to sleep...
I see Vikroon jerking in bed and groaning .. because I know I am disturbing him..
I even tried to stop coughing but that made my breathing hard...and the outcome of that made my cough more making my throat in pain..
I can feel the bed dip and jerk every time I cough. ...oh shit I am making hard for him to sleep...
I slowly got up from bed and took a pillow and wrapped myself in bedsheet and slowly sneeaked to the balcony and laid in the couch there... But my cough continued I tried to sleep... When I felt like sleep overtake me...but I also felt like flying...no I was dreaming I think... But I can feel like moving too.. I opened my eyes only to see blue colour t-shirt... What???. I raised my head and there I saw my man.. Vikroon.. he is carrying me in his arms as if I am baby...
" What are doing...?"..I whispered.. but he didn't answered me and kept in carrying me..
He slowly made me lie on the bed ...
And covered me with the blanket...
" Vikroon ji.. I am fi.." before I could say fine .. cough interuppted me..
" I can clearly feel your fine... You idiot... How can you be such a idiot sleeping outside in that cold breeze ." He said catching my hands and rubbing it gently...
" I am fine..." I said smiling..
" Please don't smile...doing all the mischievous things.." he said and stood up and walked towards his bed side and took out the first-aid kit and opened to take the balm..
He came towards me.. and took a gentle amount of balm...and started applying it on my forehead and and throat...and me lost in his mar marvellous beauty.. my eyeballs are literally fixed on his..
"What ???why are you staring at me like that? " He asked...but my answer was just a smile. .
"Come on ,close eyes and try to sleep..." He said ... Which made me smile more ....
" Ah ah.. open your eyes wide now....but close it tight when I need them to be on mine..." He said adverting his gaze from mine...
I know he is teasing .. but what does the second line means...
" What...?" I asked confused..
" Nothing sleep... Jaan..." He said ..
After sometime sleep overtake me...and now I am in the living room with a blanket around me... Not yet bathed... But here my husband take care of me ...
Flashback ends. .

"You are so anemic just for a common flu..., Thank god it's just a cold.." he said smirking...
" Please don't tease me... It's all because of your stupid ex-fiance ...you idiot..." I said teasing..
" Aacha, dum paagal Hun!!..( you are mad ) trying what you don't like just because of proving something to that stupid ....." He exclaimed...
For which I showed my tongue out teasing him...
"Okay stop doing kiddo...you should eat something ..", he said ..went inside the kitchen and brought some toasted bread and hot water..
"Eat.." he said Keeping the plate infront of me..
I made a disgusting fave seeing it..
"Vikroon ji.. I think I feel sleepy.
I'll eat after sometime.." I said getting up.. but catched my wrist and tugged behind making me sit beside him..
" don't act your play now... Baby ...first eat and then you take rest.." he said ..
" Vikroon ji, this food..." I shrugged..
*This is the best to eat baby...you first eat.. I'll call doctor.." he said.
"No need of doctor.. I'll take care please .." I pleaded.
But he said no... Then atlast I convinced him..
" Okay you eat this.. I'll make sure not to call doctor" he said

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