Motivating him!

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Janvi's view...
We stood like that till his breathing becomes slow,heart beat becomes calm . Slowly he loosened the grip and slowly released himself from me...
We both didn't dare to look up each other.. to fill up the silence .I opened my mouth
"Dinner is ready ... I'll bring it upstairs.." I didn't expect his answer and walked fast away from him... As soon as I reached kitchen I released a heavy sigh... Woah... This man..
I took his food upstairs and placed it in front of him..
I turned to leave when h catched my hand...I turned to see him ,his eyes are filled with some emotion I think it is guilt ...."so-sor for f-or..." He shrugged...
"Sor.. .."he shrugged again...
"It's okay... All is fine.. now have your dinner"I stopped him ...
He is little arrogant because mom had already told me that he will not apologize easily...
So I stopped him and diverted his sayings .. because I don't want to hurt his ego.."I'll help you!!!"
He nodded and I went .. I too ate and thought of going like as usual midnight..
I opened the door slowly thinking he should be sleeping ..The room was dark..I slowly paced the room walking slowly... I flashed light from my mobile and arranged my comforter and I went to lie down when I see the lights turn on quickly...
Oh god I disturbed him...befire I turn to see him
.. I heard his voice.."I think I can't it!!!! I'll speak with those peoples and going to back off" he said all in one breathe and switched off the lights..
Is he a bipolar.....Just a hour ago he hugged me like his life depends upon and now he gives up..
Anyways I did many browsings and made plans to make him play ...
"You get up early in the morning... We are going out "I told him ..
I heard a heavy sigh and I slept..
Tomorrow I am going to motivate him more first and make him strong by heart..
I woke up by my phone alarm tune.. I went down took bath and prepared coffee for him .. I asked Abhishek to come ...
I went to his room woke him up.. and helped him to do his morning rituals ..I placed the clothes and told him to dress up...Nowadays he can manage to walk without anyone's effort by slowly...
All these time he was not even questioning anything but my thoughts were suddenly came back by his question " where we are going ??", He asked..
"Practice"..."get ready soon.." before he could ask more I left the room and expressed my idea ..To Abhishek.. and he agreed to help me..
Yes today I am going to make him feel distressed by taking outside...
With help of Abhishek we made our way to the park nearby .
Vikroon and me went inside the park and I made him sit down
.We stayed there for atleast an hour..He didn't speak anything but was Mesmerized by seeing the kids playing there .. we were in a secured place so no one can identify his presence...And thank god it was morning so everyone are busy in jogging and workout...
And after that we went to temple... He first told no but due to my compelling he agreed .. then we went to his bungalow where his mom lived and we spend some time together
I saw him laughing after his accident and his conversation with Bruno, ( his dog) is really awesome.
.I am glad for that
After our lumch ,dinner we went back to our home ... He told he'll sit in in the lounge for a while ..
I went inside changed my dress .. I came out to see what he is doing ..But I didn't see him .. I searched him outside the house ,the garden and came back searched him in kitchen and went upstairs to see in his room but he was not there too...
In a fear I don't know what to do so
.. then I saw the staircase of terrace opened .. I went up ..
I see that arrogant man seeing the view of the Delhi facing the other side..
"Thank you..,even now I don't know I can play ... But today I got a confidence that I will play soon...." He said turning towards me smiling..
I am surprised ...
"What ???Why are you scared ?"
He asked walking towards me .His expression changed from smile to concern...
He American near me and his hands caressing my cheeks..
"What happened?"he asked caressing my cheeks...
I don't know what came up .. "are you mad ,can't you inform me before going...!!!" I literally shouted..
He blinked few times...
"Did you called me idiot?", He asked his face blank
Then it strikes me... Oh god ..My and my idiotic mouth
" S-sorry vikr-vikroon ji..."I exclaimed . Is him raising his hand.. I'd he going to hit me?..
I closed my eyes tightly after a second I heard a huge burst of laughter...
I open my eyes to see him laughing aloud..He continued​ laughing...What is this ?I am confused..
This is the first time I am seeing him laughing like this from the day from our marriage...
After seemed like an hour he stopped laughing..." Did you think I am going to hit you ... You silly woman "saying this he started laughing again..
" I am sorry!!" I exclaimed...
"It's okay.. it's my mistake I should have informed you!"

Then we both went down .. I made his bed ready..And we both slept..
The next day we went to the cricket coaching academy and he met his childhood couch Mr.Mehra.. and he helped him saying some tips and advises.. Vikroon even introduced me as his wife and explained that it was arranged marriage and he is waiting to declare it official soon
Mr.Mehra told me to follow some instructions like ...Some warm up and foods that​ he should take and eat...

We followed the instructions and diet chat ... He started walking casually within five days with medication, physiotherapy and warm ups...
But still he is not fully fit because his try to run for making runs would be difficult..... It's only a week left and the players list would be given before three days...
Now only 4 days are left to make the cricket council...
I even prayed god that if Vikroon ji got Selected I will do fasting for 7 days
What did you guys think about Vikroon state .. will he play for India.??.. Will janvi's prayer will come true...???

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