Jauregui Confession Craving Trouble

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Flashbacks are in italics

Lauren's PoV

I shouldn't b thinking of U, Jauregui. But evry time I close my eyes, u r there. 2morrow cannot come soon enuff. xo Cabello

Okay. So I grinned. I would've yelled in happiness if my Aunt and Uncle weren't in bed already. Camila Cabello liked me.

Only problem is, she was the girlfriend of my most favourite cousin, Austin. Yet, I still found myself pursuing her. I couldn't help it. The brown locks, the killer brown eyes and those legs that go for days. She was the sweetest yet sarcastic person I knew. Nothing compared to my last girlfriend back home.

I was so smitten with Camila Cabello.

When my mom and dad told me I'd be living four Provinces over, I was shocked. Upset. I didn't want to leave my friends. I was the party girl and I knew that once I hit this city, my party days would be over. I fought with my parents until the very day I was shipped off to the airport and then on a plane by myself to Aunt Greta and Uncle Victor's.

Upon arriving, it was the beginning of a holiday and school wasn't in. I had a week to decide which school I wanted to go to. Austin wanted me to go to ViewBelle, saying I'd fit in more. He even took me on a tour the day I arrived. It wasn't bad, pretty average size. I just didn't feel right.

That night he asked me to meet his 'gorgeous' girlfriend. Austin would write to me about her in every piece of email or actual mail. He even showed me a picture of her from her winter formal last year.


Knock out. She had a white dress that clung to her every curve and that brown hair swept back loosely. Of course, Austin knew I was into women, so my opinion mattered to him. However, we never, and I mean, never had the same taste. He usually liked the preppy cheerleader types. The ones that would follow their jock boyfriend's everywhere. Yuk. So I figured even though Camila seemed to be a looker, her personality was probably 'like oh my god!'.

I told Austin she was very beautiful but I've seen better.

That was a lie. I kept that picture on my computer. I couldn't believe that jerk landed a hottie.

So, he asked me to meet Camila in person. It was her birthday and they were throwing her a birthday party.

Funny. Austin left out the fact that Camila hated cheerleaders and played a sport.

I was introduced to her best friend, Kyla. Pretty cute but so not my type. Plus, it was freaky, we could've been sisters.

The front door opened and there she was, covered in loose flakes of snow as she took off her jacket, after laying down her hockey stick and hockey bag. I hovered in the background, watching her engage with Kyla and Austin. She smiled at him. Gross. No, her smile wasn't gross, the fact that she liked... men. Such a waste.

"Lauren," I heard Austin call me forward as I made my way through the crowd.

She was looking at me. Her brown eyes were focused only on me. I think she spaced out.

"Camila?" Austin waved his hand in front of her face as she snapped out of it.

We shared a moment as I followed her way back to her bedroom. What possessed me to follow her was beyond me. I just wanted to be close, I guess.

"So this is your bedroom?" I asked her, studying all the old movie posters on her wall, from Dirty Dancing to Satisfaction. I ran my fingers over the medals she won. "You must be really good," I smiled.

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