Keep Your Hands To Yourself

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Camila's PoV

I usually knew my limit. Most parties were held before a game the next morning so I knew how much to drink. I don't think that night at the party was one of those times.

Lauren and I were having a really good time with the crowd we were hanging out in. Kyla was even having fun even though she really was the only person not drinking. No one questioned her, which I think she was thankful for.

It was well past one in the morning and even though quite a few people left, the place still seemed to be pretty alive.

"I'll be right back!" Lauren cooed in my ear as she made her way towards the kitchen. My head was swirling but it was a good swirl. I felt like I had no cares in the world. Granted, it was the alcohol talking, but it felt good anyway.

"I think I'm going to head home," Kyla said from the other side of me. She looked tired.

"Okay, let me walk you to your car." I helped her up and waited as she grabbed her coat. She insisted that I stay in the house since the weather dropped. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Yes mom." Kyla smiled softly and looked towards the darkened street. "You and Lauren don't get into trouble kay? I know you when you're drinking. You can get pretty careless." I raised my eyebrow at her as she laughed. "I'm just saying Mila, a lot of secrets are at stake here, just, be careful." She gave me a hug and told me she'd call me tomorrow.

I turned around and was making my way towards the DJ that Brent had hired for the night. Just as I made it to the booth, I bumped into someone and the next thing I knew, I was wearing their drink. "What the fuck." I wiped off the liquid and snapped my eyes up to meet the intruder. "You've got be kidding me!" I half yelled and pushed past her.

"Hey, where you goin'?" Normani rushed to step in front of me. Her grey eyes looked over my face carefully and a smile formed on her face. "I didn't dent that beautiful face of yours, that's good."

I frowned and shook my head. "Why can't you take a hint, Kordei. I. Don't. Like. You." I tried to brush past her again but she gently placed her hand on my shoulder, keeping me still. I felt a little wobbly so I let her keep me standing.

"Really Cabello, I'm just wanting to apologize for that day at Johnny's. I never meant to hit you." Sure, her voice sounded sincere and she looked sincere but I had to laugh.

"Fuck you Normani," I hissed, finally shrugging her hand off my shoulder, "you may not have meant to hit me, but you were about to hit my girlfriend!"

Normani raised an eyebrow. "Finally admitting it? That she's your girlfriend?"

"Don't even start that shit, okay?" I eyed her up with a fury and pictured decking her right there but held back. "You really want me to like you?" My face was inches from hers. "Leave me alone."

That was when I felt her cup my face. Normani had her hands on my face. Her grubby hands were on my fucking face. Oh God she was moving closer and I couldn't move.

I really couldn't move because my arms were being held behind my back.

What the fuck.

"Mendes!" Normani jumped back and I twisted my head over as far as I could to see that fucking pussy holding my arms behind my back. "Let go of her!"

"Kiss her Normani, isn't that what you wanted all along? Now's the chance." Mendes laughed.

"Get the fuck off me!" I struggled and almost freed my arms but then he gripped tighter. I even tried to stomp on his feet but that didn't work either. Some guys tried to pull him off but he stayed where he was.

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