A Moment I'm Passing To You

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Camila's PoV

"You look like shit." I threw my keys on the counter and Sofi stared at me through her messy hair which fell in front of her eyes.

"Same to you." She threw back and closed her eyes, leaning forward on the island table. "Where were you last night?"

"Lauren's." I gripped the fridge door as I opened it. I grabbed a Dr. Pepper and popped the can open, taking a big sip. "I tried calling your cell earlier," I turned around and found Sofi's head face first on the counter, "wake up. That's what you get for drinking that much." I nudged her before pulling myself up on the counter, running my fingers through her hair.

"I'm fine, Sammy fed me like, loads of water and coffee. I'm so jittery." Sofi groaned and leaned up on her stool, looking at me. "She just dropped me off about an hour ago. I haven't moved from this spot since," She pointed to her cereal bowl, "and she made me eat."

"Good." I took another sip of my drink and sighed heavily. "Where is she now?"

"She was called in to do a later shift, she was supposed to work this morning," Sofi shrugged and slid of the stool while groaning. "Where's Lauren?"

"Shopping." I sighed again and hopped off the counter. "I'm going to shower." I started towards the staircase but Sofi grabbed my elbow.

"What's wrong?" Her grey eyes looked at mine with concern. "You're like, monotone girl right now Mila, what's up?"

I swallowed heavily. "Austin knows."

Sofi raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side. "About the baby?"

I wish.

"About Lauren and I," I bit my lip and closed my eyes tightly, "he walked in on me in her bed."

Sofi shook her head but smiled slightly. "You two share the same bed all the time, how is this different?"

I laughed, not exactly bitterly but it wasn't a nice laugh, "oh maybe because I was naked?"

"Fuck me." Sofi breathed, her eyes wide with her mouth over her hand. "You're so busted."

I snarled at her. "Tell me something I don't know."

"What did Austin do?" My sister sat back on her stool, looking at me with such concern like a little sister would. "Did he hurt you or Laur?"

I laughed softly, "no Sofi, he actually didn't say anything after Lauren kicked him out of the room. His truck was gone when we left so I don't know how he's taking it."

"Well," Sofi scrunched up her face in thought, tapping her fingers on her chin lightly, "he can't really say much about it. He slept with Kyla and got her pregnant. Sure, Lauren's his cousin but it doesn't change the fact that he was doing the same damn thing behind your back with your best friend."

"I know," I whispered, picking at the tile that was on the island counter with my thumb nail, "but what if he does something stupid. Lauren is trying to show me that she can be strong in this, Sofi, but I can feel her cracking through that tough façade she's so desperately trying to show me." I craved Sofi's reassurance. She could read people better than anyone I knew. Aside from Lauren, she was the only one that could really calm my nerves.

"You two need to stick together in this mess. A mess in which you helped create," she said softly, not accusingly. I couldn't argue with her, I knew she was right.

"What are your plans for tonight?" I asked, changing the subject.

Sofi smiled and blushed slightly, "Sammy asked me out on a date."

I raised an eyebrow, "but you two have been on plenty of those, why are you blushing?"

She sighed wistfully and looked at me, kind of scared but more or less, excited. "I mean, like a real date. Hand holding and everything."

I stepped back and grinned in surprise, "wow, that's huge Sofi!"

"I know!" Sofi stood up quickly and braced herself on the counter. "I'm nervous, I don't know how to act!"

"Just be yourself," I shrugged and messed up her hair. She never scowled like she usually does, "maybe you should shower first."

"Good idea." Sofi nodded and headed towards the bathroom upstairs.

I had to smile at my sister. She was finally getting the chance to be happy. She had me and Lauren as friends and she had a sweet girlfriend who treated her kindly. Even she and Kyla were getting along better – granted out of sympathy on the whole 'baby situation'.

I just hoped Lauren and I were as strong as she tried to sound.

I couldn't go through this alone.

* * *

Coach Caron was a little upset with my performance during practice. He even benched me. Who got fucking benched during practice? I was too tired to really argue him so I did I was told. Mendes never showed up for practice, so I was glad it was one less person to have to deal with that day.

I pulled up in front of Johnny's and stopped the vehicle. She was quiet. Too quiet. She told me Austin hadn't returned home yet and it worried her. But that was all she said.

Unbuckling myself, I turned to look at her. Her dark eyes were everywhere but on me. "Hey Lo," I said quiet and then I saw those eyes on me and she smiled softly, "you're spacing."

She nodded and squeezed my hand, "I'm just thinking Camz, but nothing to worry your pretty head about," she shifted and bit her lip, "I'm such a bad girlfriend," a smile passed her lips, "how was practice?"

I groaned and shook my head. "I was benched. How the fuck do you get benched during practice?" I sighed heavily and waved my hand. "Whatever, I just couldn't concentrate. I tried calling you twice and I left you messages but got no response, I was worried."

Lauren swallowed and nodded her head slightly. "Yea, Aunt Greta was convinced that you were with Austin last night."

"What?!" I screeched. "Are you serious? I mean, seriously?!" I think the shocked look on my face sent her into her fit of giggles. I really didn't find it funny. "Lo!" I slapped her thigh and she settled down a bit, controlling her laughter. "How the hell, no, why the hell would she think that?"

"Because you woke up at our house?" Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Plus," she shifted slightly in her seat again, blowing a few stray brown hair from her face, "she heard you last night. Well, she didn't know it was you, but she heard my name, which she pointed out if that happened again, I was grounded..." she trailed off and stopped completely when she noticed my pale face, "Camz, are you okay?"

"This whole situation is fucked up," I breathed, "how could she not know it was me in your room, Lauren? The woman is not that stupid."

Lauren sat back in her seat, looking out her window, biting her nails slightly. "Unless she knows and she's trying to get under my skin with the thought of you and him together again."

"Or in denial." I sighed heavily and gripped the steering wheel before banging it. "Fuck, I knew we should've been up front about us."

"Are you blaming me?!" Lauren's head whipped around, staring at me with an angry glare. "Is it because I needed to figure out how I felt about this? Us?"

"Figure out how you felt about us?" I frowned and questioned, slipping my hand from hers. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." She looked away quickly. "Fuck Camz, I didn't mean it that way, so don't take it that way."

I clenched my jaw and brushed it off. The last thing we needed was to fall apart before the storm had even begun. "I'm hungry, are you?" I opened my door and waited for her nod. I met her on the passenger side and wrapped my arm around her waist, pressing my lips to her ear, "I love you," I whispered and I felt her relax immediately, "no matter what Lo, I'll always love you."

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