All Apologies

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Lauren's PoV

I was more than thrilled when Camila told me she wasn't in any trouble with the Principal. I was even more proud of her for standing up to the Coach and not taking her shit. Mr. Cabello and Sinu were officially the coolest parents ever. They may never have shown an interest in Camila's activities before but they're making a complete effort and I could see how happy that made my girl.

School was boring as usual. Camila and I have Family Studies class, otherwise called, Parenting. We had to hook up with someone in the class for a project and get to know each other's families and then make a family tree on what we learned from each other. I was going to like the project. Learning more about Camila's family and giving the opportunity to tell her about mine. Not that I had much family anyway.

Speaking of family, I walked into my house after school only to find my Aunt and Uncle in the kitchen, cooking – together.

Never a good sign.

When they cooked together, that meant there was news to be broken and the good food was there to soften the blow. Austin walked in not long after me and raised an eyebrow as I shrugged.

"What's going on?" He asked me as we hung up our coats and put our backpacks by the staircase.

"No clue," I whispered and we made our way into the kitchen.

Oh yea, Austin was choosing tonight to tell his parents. After getting home from Camila's the night before, they were already in bed.

"What if they already know?" He yanked me back a little bit, panic in his eyes.

"One less thing you have to tell them?" I shrugged.

"Lauren," he warned, "I'm serious."

"Look at it this way," I whispered, leaning against the dining room doorframe, "if they knew, they wouldn't be cooking dinner together."

Austin took a moment to contemplate the fact. It was true. "Good point." He pushed me forward into the kitchen, "Mom, dad!"

"Son," Uncle Vic slapped his back with a huge grin and the look did not go unnoticed by me, "how was school?"

Holy hell. What if they did know? They seemed to be taking the news rather well then. I mean, their precious son got Kyla pregnant. Were they about to celebrate? I knew they said they wanted to be grandparents but I wasn't thinking this early.

"Lauren," Aunt Greta spoke to me. She said my name. For the first time since our argument when she found out about me and Camila. "Could you set up an extra plate?"

"An extra plate?" I raised my eyebrow but proceeded to grab a plate from the cupboard.

"Company," she pointed out with a smile. I tried, I mean really tried, to figure out who would be coming over for dinner that caused both adults to cook together. I was thoroughly confused. "You two could help set up the table and then do your homework. We'll call you when it's done."

Austin and I set up the table in silence. We shared confused looks and made our way up to our rooms. "I'm officially freaked out." I mumbled and leaned against Austin's bedroom door.

"Who the hell would be coming over for dinner?" Austin scratched his head and shrugged. "Maybe it's basketball scout!"

Hey now. Why did I not think of that? "Good luck then," I smiled and made my way towards my own bedroom. I dropped my bag at the foot of my bed and groaned, really not wanting to do homework.

I missed Camila.

Camila mentioned that her parents were going to try and talk to Kyla's parents. She was going to have some time alone at home with Kyla and Sofi, so I figured I'd give them some bonding time and face the music at my own house.

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