Definition of 'Camila'

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Lauren's PoV

I stared out the window, looking past the empty desk that should be occupying one gorgeous brunette. It was our first morning class, Careers and Civics. I sighed and watched as fresh snowflakes started to cover the discoloured snow that was already on the ground.

Camila never missed class, regardless if she liked it or not. Making good grades is what she wanted even though this class was one of her least favourites, she still showed up and did her homework.

Instead, I found myself staring at the empty desk and sighed.

I possibly pushed her so far away; she was probably in the loving arms of her boyfriend.

During locker break I decided to catch a glimpse towards her locker.

She wasn't there.

I sighed and walked down the hall towards my music class. Entering the class I noticed a familiar raven haired girl seating in her normal seating.

Sofi was at school, then where the hell was Camila?

The younger girl looked at me briefly before returning to her doodling in her notebook. I slid in the seat next to her and bumped her shoulder. "Hey."

Sofi acknowledged my existence and nodded her head.

I bit my lip and looked around the room as students starting piling in. "So, where's Cabello?"

"Home." I frowned and she shifted slightly. "Wasn't feeling well or something," she shrugged.


"Is she okay?" My heart sank as Sofi shrugged and avoided eye contact with me. I felt defeated. It was obvious the girl didn't want to talk to me so I sighed and sat back in my chair. I couldn't blame her though.

I spent the class in a daze and realized it was done before I knew it. I gathered my notebook and packed my guitar, placing it in the teacher's office.

Sofi was already gone.

The snow continued to fall and I found myself standing in the large open foyer alone. I watched as students left for a quick lunch in their vehicles, braving the drive. Some just went outside to grab fresh air while most walked back in forth in halls and sat by their lockers.

Then I noticed the familiar CRV pull up and Camila hopped out. She had her hair down with a beanie cap on, carrying her books towards my way. My heart started to beat faster the closer she approached me.

Just as I was about to say her name, someone said mine first. "Lauren!"

I looked over her shoulder and there was Madison, standing with her car keys in her hand, waving me to see her.

Camila spun around at the woman and then locked eyes with me. She quickly shook her head and continued down to where her locker was. I groaned and looked back at the Latina.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as she finally stepped inside the school. I wasn't exactly wearing a coat to be outside in the cold.

"Thought we could grab lunch. I was gonna surprise Trixie but she has to catch up on her homework. Didn't want the trip to be a complete waste." Madison smiled and grabbed my bag. "Go," she nodded towards the hall, "grab your coat and let's go!"

I sighed reluctantly and made my way to my locker, grabbing my coat.

"So is this payback?" I heard a voice behind me and jumped.

"Cabello!" I held my hand over my chest and watched as she tapped her foot lightly, giving me a questioningly look. "Payback for what?"

"I don't know, you tell me," she laughed incredulously, "you're the one avoiding me."

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