She's In Love With You

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Camila's PoV

I sighed as I watched the subtitles on the bottom of the screen. Austin insisted we watch this imported movie that had English subtitles. I shook my head and told him I'd rather watch an action movie or a sappy romance, but he didn't listen.

I untangled myself from his embrace, feeling slightly uncomfortable, and stretched my legs out, patting my full stomach. Dinner was a success. I shared many glances with Lauren while we shared a decent conversation between the family. For once, the words 'marriage' or 'babies' weren't involved.

I was guessing when I snapped at Austin earlier about the married comment; his parents took that as a sign to back off.

The night wasn't going too bad. I was getting a little sleepy and if the weather cleared up by morning, I had to drag my ass to practice. I looked over at Austin, who was so into the movie and sighed again.

"You okay?" He asked me quietly, not taking his eyes off the screen.

I nodded and smiled, resting my chin on my hand, leaning on the arm of the couch. "Getting a little tired." I admitted.

Austin paused the movie and looked at me, caressing my leg. "We can go lay down if you want?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not allowed to sleep in your room...and if you want me to still be allowed to come over, I'm not about to break your parents rules."

"You love to break rules Mila," he grinned.

"On the ice!" I sat up and laughed a little. "Seriously though Aus, I've had two practices today, a game this evening and another practice tomorrow. I'm really just beat."

I noticed him glance at the clock. It was 10pm. "Okay, but are you sure you don't wanna snuggle for a bit? We can leave the door wide open..."

I knew what he was doing. Since he knew Lauren was in love with me, he didn't want her near me, let alone in the same bed. What was he thinking? We were fucking or something?


I made a funny.

I was also being slightly insensitive. I apologize.

"Austin." I warned and stood up. "You continue to watch the movie, I know where her bedroom is."

"Wait, Camila!" Austin grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap. I looked at him quizzically. "There's something you should know about Lauren."

I took a deep breath and bit my lip. Shit. How was I supposed to react to what he was about to tell me?

Stupid Lauren for talking me into remaining to be Austin's girlfriend.

"What is it?" I shifted off his lap and sat beside him. I acted concerned.

Austin shut off the TV and sat back, rubbing his temples briefly. "Lauren is in love with you."

I raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but smile. Yes, she really was.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "You think I'm lying?"

I shrugged and stretched. "I think you can be paranoid sometimes but I also know that I'm tired and really want to sleep now."

Austin frowned. "I just told you that Lauren was in love with you and you still want to go up there and sleep in the same bed?"

I swallowed. "Well," I sighed, "yes. Aus," I gripped his arm gently, "I'm just going to sleep, okay? Lauren is a great person and to be honest," and I was being honest, "she's never pushed me into anything or made me feel uncomfortable in any way. Why would she start now?"

Nope. She never did.

I was the one who initiated the kiss and even though she sought me out in the shower, I gave it right back. I really wasn't lying, I just didn't stretch it far enough to be the whole truth.

"You're okay with her being in love with you?" Austin asked again, his voice a little quieter as his parents made their up the stairs.

"I'm just that hot." I shrugged and leaned in to kiss him softly. I pulled back and stared at him for a moment. "Goodnight boyfriend."

Way to avoid the question, Cabello.

Austin smiled softly, squeezing my hand as I walked past him and towards the staircase. I looked back as he turned the TV back on and continued to watch the movie.

If Lauren didn't want me to break up with Austin, then I hoped he would break up with me and quick.

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