An Ace Up Her Sleeve

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Sofia's PoV

Mornings were always the worst for me. I didn't know how Camila managed to get up at 4:30am and be full of energy. I guess the game was what drove her. That and the chance to see Lauren.

Ever since those two found some solid ground, they were inseparable. Lauren should've just moved into our house because she was here every single night. With the exception of last night of course. I had to privilege of consoling my sister who moped around the house.


Sammy was away for the holiday and I wouldn't be seeing her until school was back in. I was sad, don't get me wrong. I thought about her and her calls that never made it to my phone. I didn't take it to heart though, she was busy visiting friends and family so I knew she'd be busy. Luckily I had Lauren and Camila to keep my mind preoccupied.

"Sofi!" Camila banged on my door. Unlike me, she knocked even when she knew I was alone. She waited for my answer and opened the door, fully clothed and ready to go. I was still in bed. "Come on!" She swatted my ass and nudged me. "You don't have time to shower now you goober, get up!"

"Camila," I growled as she threw the covers off of me. Now really, what if I slept naked? Not that I would because it was freezing outside, but you get the point. "I'm up!" I huffed and sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Remind me why I agreed to wake up this early to hang out with you?"

"You remind me," she smirked and tucked hair behind her ears, "now seriously, I told Kyla I'd meet her at the arena for early coffee, let's go."

I sighed but smiled at her as grabbed some clothing and changed quickly. It was only 6:30 in the morning and my head was still left back on my pillow where I was dreaming of, well, it didn't matter what I dreamed of.

Once we were at the arena, Camila went down to the locker rooms to place her bag in her locker. I went to order us a coffee and grab a seat since Kyla wasn't there yet. I noticed her sitting at one of the stools reading a book. One of the stools that I had to stand next to in order to get our coffee.


It was bad enough I was a bumbling idiot whenever I was around her but I was left alone with her with no one else around.

Lauren explained it to me the best.

You know how when you first discover the 'dating world' at my age? Certain people seem to catch your eye and you can't help but be drawn in. She said it was okay to talk with other woman and flirt just as long as I didn't touch or fall for them.

My eyes were trained on her as I made my way to the counter. She was really into her book and I tilted my head to catch the title of it. I smiled. I've read the book, cried over the book and reread it. One of my favourites.

"April Raintree," I said out loud with a grin to my face. Her brown eyes looked up at me as she smiled and pushed her stool back on its two back legs while she placed her book on the table in front of her, "school?"

"Leisure," she grinned and allowed her stool to hit the floor again and gestured to the empty stool beside her, "Sofi, it's not even 7am and you're already up and ready?"

"Eh," I shrugged my shoulders and smiled, "I just rolled out of bed, threw clothes on, pulled my hair back and called it a day."

Tracey snickered and looked over her book again. "So, you've read this book?"

I nodded. "The first time I had to for English, the times after that I read because I love the story."

"Sad isn't it?" She cast a glance at me with a softened expression that left me a little speechless. "How the world quickly falls in line with all the fucked up cruelty. From bad social service programs, to racism, to drug and alcohol abuse, to suicide or being with someone you're only with because you feel 'safe' or 'financially' stable with them. I mean, April had a pretty shitty life, but Cheryl, her younger sister had to worse, in my opinion."

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