Goodbye Peace Hello Reality

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Lauren's PoV

"Sofi, calm down!" I whispered into the phone. "What's wrong?" I looked over at Camila's sleeping form, naked in the bed. Seemed I had finally worn her out for the evening. She won all of her games and had one more to go the next morning before we hit the road back home.

"Sammy wants to be girlfriends!" Her voice squealed over the line. I smirked and shook my head.

"Again, you make that sound like a bad thing." I rolled my eyes and tapped my forehead with my fingers. "So what did you say?"

"I told her I'd love to be, what the hell do you think I am? Crazy? Have you seen Sammy?" Sofi gasped and huffed. I chuckled.

"I've seen Sammy and even though she's a looker, I've got my own girlfriend to fawn over, thank you." I bit my lip and moved away from the bed, noticing Camila coming out of her sleep. I didn't want to wake her because I knew she needed the sleep. So did I. "Does she want to be open about it?" I whispered quietly.

"Not at the moment," Sofi sighed with relief, "but she wants to eventually."

"Good Sofi," I smiled into the receiver and ran my hand through my messy hair.

"Give yourselves time Lauren. Camila still has to break up with Austin and let the dust settle before telling anyone. She doesn't want you to be shipped back to the mountains with all the other crazies." That young Cabello thought she was so funny. She had a point though, even though I wanted to show the world that Camila was mine, I had to wait for a while. At least I'd have Camila to myself.

"I know," I laughed and looked at the time, "shouldn't you be in bed? Or did mommy forget to tuck you in?"

"Screw you," Sofi roared with laughter, "get some rest Laur, all that sex has gone to your brain."

"Sex with your sister." I corrected cheekily as she squealed with disgust on the other end. "What? You started it."

"Night Jauregui." Sofi chuckled and hung up the phone.

I placed Camila's phone back on the desk and slid out of my robe and back between the sheets. When the phone had begun to vibrate earlier I noticed it was Sofi, I picked up hoping it wasn't an emergency. I curled up behind Camila and kissed her shoulder lightly. "Sweet dreams." I whispered and curled my body around hers.

- - - -

"Lauren?!" I shot up in bed like the day before and rubbed my eyes, looking around the room to find Camila standing at the foot of the bed with a tray of food. It was still dark outside but her smile lit up the room.

"You startled me, Cabello. You have to quit doing that." I mumbled and crawled to my knees, peeking over the tray to find mounds of fruits piled up with hot fresh pancakes. "What is this for?" I smiled at her lovingly and sat back on my heels as she stripped her clothes and crawled beside me, placing the tray on the bed in front of us. "It's early, Camila, you should be sleeping."

Camila shrugged but smiled as she did so. "I missed out on our snuggles yesterday morning, I didn't want to this time around either." She checked the time and grinned. "Besides, I'd usually be up at this time anyway for early practice."

Ugh. It was only 5:00am, you better believe me when I say I was more than in love with this woman. I was up before the sun and it was a Sunday!

"What time do you have to be on the ice?" I asked as I plopped a juicy strawberry in my mouth, moaning in a delicious way, looking at Camila with a smirk.

"Uh," she cleared her throat and focused on the tray of fruit and pancakes, "7:30am. I was hoping we could just, talk?" She peered at me through her brunette hair with the chocolate eyes.

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