Backseat Warmers

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Camila's PoV

"Camila, we can't!" Lauren moaned softly as my lips tackled the sensitive spot behind her ear. Our hot breaths were fogging up my CRV windows.

It was after my game with the Rebels. We won of course and I was so full of energy. The moment I saw Lauren in her tight jeans and tight sweater, I knew exactly where I wanted to focus my pent up energy.

Yeah, you guessed it.


We were in the farthest parking lot from the arcade. I was able to convince Austin to pick up Lauren's blind date since the girl's car was getting fixed. Explaining that his cousin might feel uncomfortable picking up a stranger she didn't want to go out with it in the beginning. He fell for it and offered to pick the bitch, I meant the girl, up. We were going to meet up at the arcade.

Which brought us to the backseat of my vehicle, lights were off but I left the car running so the heat would be on. It was freezing outside, -30 Celsius weather.

I pressed my body into hers, unzipping her coat, fumbling with the zipper at the bottom.

"Anyone could catch us." Lauren whispered quietly.

"No," I kissed her deeply before pulling back, "they won't." I breathed and covered my lips with hers once again. She sighed contently and I finally freed the zipper, immediately sliding my cool hand under her sweater, mapping out the warmth of her skin. I cupped her hip, sinking my thumb briefly into the waistband of her jeans, stroking her hipbone.

Lauren let out a needy moan, her lips moving to my ear, "Camila," she breathed heavily, "I want you so fucking bad."

"Oh God." I whispered and slid my hand up to cup her breast that was covered by a laced bra. I squeezed it gently while moving to kiss her deeply again. "We don't have enough time." I said in ragged breaths and pulled back, looking at her heaving chest.

Lauren whimpered and tucked loose hair behind my ears. "This groping teenage shit is really starting to frustrate me," she admitted and I couldn't agree more, "I'm not going to pressure you into anything though, I know you don't like that."

I repositioned myself and straddling her lithe hips, my hand moving from her breast down her ribcage, causing her to tremble slightly. "You could never pressure me," I leaned forward and kissed her softly, "we really need to have a night, just you and me... no interruptions."

Lauren grinned and nodded. "Your place? I'm sure Sofi won't bother us."

I nodded, "true," I got a devilish look on my face and watched Lauren squirm excitedly beneath me, "but I was hoping we could maybe, get a hotel room?"

Lauren's eyebrows shot up to her hairline and she sat up, adjusting me in her lap. "Really?!"

I bit my lip and cupped her face gently. "City Rebels are going out of town next weekend for a small tournament and I was hoping maybe you'd join me?"

"Could I?" Her voice was traced with excitement. "I mean, wouldn't the Coaches mind?"

"It's not a school trip Lo," I breathed and ran my fingers through her wavy hair. Damn she was sexy. "I'm taking my own vehicle even and we're assigned our own rooms. Well, we're supposed to be sharing if we wanted the team fund to pay for it, but I'll pay an extra few bucks to have you with me," I bent my head blushing slightly, "I mean, if you want."

"Cabello!" Lauren laughed and licked her lips. "Yes, yes I want to go with you." She swallowed. "What about Austin?"

"What about him?" I raised my eyebrow. "He's never gone out of his way to come to an out of town game, why start now?"

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