Jauregui vs Mahone

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Lauren's PoV

I heard Camila close her locker door as someone came into the locker room. I stayed in the stall as instructed until she told me it was safe to come out. I heard an 'okay' and assumed that was my cue. But then I stopped dead in my tracks as I was faced with the younger Cabello, her mouth opened and eyes wide in shock like mine were.

"Not yet!" Camila hissed and I frowned.

"You said okay loud enough for me to hear, how the hell was I supposed to know that wasn't for me?" I huffed and sighed. So we were caught.

"No way!" Sofi laughed, placing Camila's duffel bag on the bench in front of me. "This is why you needed your extra clothes?"

Camila nodded, a blush creeping up the back of her neck. I found it adorable and couldn't help but smile at it. "Can we just get dressed please?" she asked, opening her bag and handing me a pair of jeans, an old jersey of hers and a pair of boots. I was going commando.

"No bra?" I gasped.

Camila chuckled and threw me a wifebeater to put on instead. "I only have one bra and I doubt your big boobs would fit it."

Sofi chuckled, making her presence known.

"Sofi, you can go now," Camila said.

"I'll just tell the gang to meet us at the Restaurant for breakfast." Sofi nodded and went ahead to the Mahone family and Kyla.

"I shouldn't go," I immediately spoke up, "I mean, it'd be awkward, right?"

Camila shook her head quickly. "You have to come for breakfast. We've already spent so much time apart they're starting to think we're not getting along," she frowned. She had a point too.

We were hot and cold. It was bad enough that our close friends were sensing it, I didn't need my Aunt and Uncle to get suspicious as well. "Okay," I smiled and threw on the clothes she gave me.

Camila and I never talked about what happened earlier that morning. We made up a story that I ran over to the strip-mall across the street to buy some chap stick while she changed. Not the best lie, but it worked. Austin's questioned why I was wearing Camila's clothes and I told him I fell in a mushy puddle and she lent them to me. Again, bad lie considering it was damn near freezing to have no puddles, but it worked.

We went for an awkward breakfast with the family and then she had to be back at the arena for a game. "So," Camila nudged me with her hockey stick as we stood at the entrance of the building, "are you going to watch?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Of course," I smiled softly, keeping my hands to myself. "I'll be sitting with the family."

She nodded and sighed, her forehead resting against her stick. She gave me a heart warming smile and leaned in, kissing me on the cheek.

A very bold move.

I blushed and nodded towards the rink, "you should go get ready before the Coach goes hostile on your ass," I joked, laughing softly.

"Yea, my tardiness could get me kicked off the Rebel's team before I even played a game with them!" She gasped. Making it onto the community hockey team was a big deal for her, especially considering her age. She just turned seventeen two months prior and yet they wanted her to play for them.

"Well go!" I swatted her ass and sighed as she giggled and gave me one last look before heading inside with the rest of her team.

I found the group and took a seat between Sofi and Austin. We watched the team warm up for a bit before the referee blew the whistle, signalling it was time to start the game.

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