Where's Your Head At?

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Lauren's PoV

I opened the door to find a brunette standing in front of me. Her pale blue eyes looked away as she knew she was the last person I wanted to see. "What do you want?"

"Is Sofi here?" Her voice was quiet as her cold fingers flexed on the bag that was in her hands. "Laur, please?"

I opened the Cabello door and allowed her in the doorway. "She's in the kitchen with Camila," I shut the door and stopped her from moving further. "She's hurting."

Sammy just looked at me and shook her head. "Yes, I know."

"Why?" I asked her, crossing my arms over my chest. "I thought we had an understanding. An agreement. You don't hurt Sofi, your ass doesn't get kicked."

"How hard can you beat me if you're arm is broken?" She asks a little seriously with a hint of sarcasm.

"You just watch it." I turned around and made my into the kitchen, leaving her in my trail of dust. "Sofi, Sam's here." I say to her as her and Camila were making cookies. They both looked cute with flour powdered noses and cheeks.

"Oh," Sofi quickly wiped her hands on her pants and straightened her hair. She stopped as Sammy entered the kitchen timidly. It was the first time they were seeing each other since the kiss confession and the tension was thick. "Hey Sam," she rasped as she quickly took off her apron and threw it at me, "we should probably talk in the living room."

I watched as Sofi shakily ushered her girlfriend to the other room and closed the sliding doors that separated the kitchen and dining room. I turned and noticed Camila was still into her cookie making, not even batting an eyelash towards her sister or Sammy. "I can't believe Sam has the nerve to-"

"Stop Lo." Camila said firmly as she flattened the dough, adding more flour. She was concentrating hard on her baking.

"She tore your sister's heart, Camila!" I gasped and pounded my good fist onto the counter.

"Yes and I've already talked to her about how I felt about the fact that she hurt Sofi, but honestly," she sighed heavily and wiped some flour off of her forehead, looking at me, "I don't have much room to give her shit about it."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

Camila's laugh was a mix with bitter and amusement. She set down the rolling pin and wiped her hands on her apron. "You walked into my life three months ago, swept me off my feet. I kissed you, I slept with you, I told you I was in love with you," she paused and briefly chewed on her bottom lip, "all the while I was with Austin."


"Your cousin." She shook her head and picked up the rolling pin, beginning where she left off. "Sammy made a mistake. She owned up to it and now she's trying to make it right."

I had to take a moment to process Camila's reactions to all of this. She must be a little mad at Sammy for doing what she did behind Sofi's back, I mean, she had to care, right? "So you think all cheaters should be forgiven?"

Her eyes immediately snapped to mine. "You were."


I stepped back and frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?" Pissed off Camila was sexy, don't get me wrong. Hell, bitchy Camila was doable. But when she directed it towards me out of nowhere, I had to begin to wonder what the hell was going inside the beautiful head of hers. "What is up with you lately?" I tried not to take it personal. I pushed the comment aside and watched the brunette in a flustered blur.

Camila dropped the rolling pin and went to the sink to wash her hands. "I just don't think we can really be mad at Sammy for her actions."

"Your sister is hurting because of her actions, Camz!" I hissed. "Don't you care?"

"Of course I care!" Camila snapped back. "I don't forgive Sammy for the effect she had on my sister. The kiss was wrong, she knows that. But it's not going to change matters much!"

"Are you speaking for them or for yourself?" I leaned back and she gave me a cold look. "Don't even give me that look Camila, you've been acting off since you and Kyla started to hang out again."

"Don't bring her into this, Lauren." She sighed and started to clean up her mess, throwing the cookies that were ready to be baked, into the oven. "Sofi is her own person, whether she forgives Sammy is up to her, not us. We shouldn't be involved at all."

"Why are we even arguing?" I asked, puzzled. "We're on some thin ice here Camz and I don't want to break through. What is going on with you, you can tell me anything." It was obvious all of this arguing was more than Sammy's actions. Camila was wound up tight, you could tell by the way she held her jaw, slammed things around and the way she spit out comments like 'You were.' What the hell did that mean? Did she have an issue with my past?

I couldn't blame her, I sure as hell didn't. A trip back home made me realize who and how I was before Camila. I've definitely changed for the better and I wasn't going to let her take that away from me – from us.

Camila threw the rolling pin into the sink and grabbed my right hand, dragging me through the other side of the kitchen and to those set of stairs that led up to the second floor. Slamming her bedroom door, she began to pace – pace like a freaking time bomb.

"Camila?" I said her name in a soft whisper, careful not to detonate her.

"I can't do this anymore."

And she snapped.

"I can't fucking walk around like everything is okay when we both know it's not!" Camila crumpled to her bedroom floor, the same spot where I did when I confessed my love for her. My heart was racing so fast as I broke out into a light sweat. Was she about to break up with me?

"Everyone is lying and cheating. Everyone has a secret that they're holding within and it's all going to blow up in our faces Lo," she cried.

"Baby," I slid down in front of her and cupped her face, her wet cheeks sticking to the palm of my hands, "seriously, what is going on in the pretty head of yours?"

"Everything." She sobbed and I pulled her into my arms, rubbing her back soothingly. "Fuck Lauren, why are we doing this?!"

"Doing what?" I jumped in surprise as she quickly got to her feet, pacing again.

"Tangling all these webs of lies, hurting those we care and love." She shook her head and looked at me. "Austin, the poor fuck, he has it the worst."

I sighed heavily and swallowed. "You two are becoming good friends, fast. That's good, right? I mean, you're no longer cheating on him – technically."

"You don't get it." Camila sniffled.

Yes, I got it. Camila understood why were had to keep 'us' a secret. But what she failed to realize was that it was getting harder for me to keep it a secret any longer either. I just played dumb until I was for sure I was ready. "He's moving on good, Camz."

"He's a great guy who got dumped on by his cousin and ex-girlfriend." Camila laughed in anger, ripping her ponytail out, wildly running her fingers through her hair. "I'm so fucking wound up right now, I need air."

I watched with my mouth agape as she wrenched her door open and left me in her room alone. My first instinct was to chase after her but I couldn't move my feet. I watched the empty doorway, wishing it'd bring back Camila. Instead I heard the front door slam shut and I sighed heavily.

For the first time in a few months, Camila ran away from her problems.

From me.

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