Quick Session, Anyone?

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Lauren's PoV

The year was over. We began a new one and I couldn't be happier. What sucked was school was back in session and I had let my school work pile up and was behind somewhat.

"Lo, are you concentrating?" Camila tapped her pen on my notebook while looking towards the front, where Ms. Pulson scribbled notes for us to take.

I shrugged and continued to doodle.

"If you don't start taking down the notes, you're going to miss the material for our exams in two weeks." Camila whispered, colouring in the heart I just drew with her black ink pen.

"I'll copy yours." I suggested and smirked at her. She quirked an eyebrow at me and shook her head. I pouted. "Please?"

"Ladies!" Ms. Pulson smacked a ruler against her desk. "Please pay attention."

Camila straightened up in her chair and nodded, looking at me briefly, mouthing a 'behave'.

"I was minding my own business and doodling, you're the one who talked to me first." I whispered, throwing her a smirk.

"Miss Jauregui!" Warned Ms. Pulson and I sunk back in my seat. "Do I need to see you after class?"

I quirked an eyebrow and glanced quickly at Camila before licking my lips and making eye contact with the teacher. "I don't know Ms. Pulson," I tilted my head to the side, "do you need to see me after class?"

I heard Camila gasp and the older woman's eyes nearly bulged out of her head. She quickly cleared her throat and remained silent, turning her back to continue her notes.

Jauregui, you've still got it.

I cracked my knuckles and was met with a cold glare from my girlfriend. "What?" I shrugged. "Two can play the flirting game, Cabello."

Camila huffed but then fell into a fit of quiet giggles. "You made her red and quiet." She nodded towards Mr. Pulson.

Camila's made her red and quiet plenty of times so it felt good knowing I could too. "I learn from the best." I winked and she giggled quietly. It felt good being back in school, I was guaranteed time with Camila.

"Now write the notes." Camila whispered.

"But, I'm broken!" I pouted and pointed to my cast arm. It was full of signatures and phone numbers but I didn't care. Camila took up half the cast with her own doodles and hearts with a BF surrounded by x' and o's. We've been commented on how close we were getting as we passed for best friends. But the BF didn't stand for that. No, Camila Cabello was in a horny mood when she wrote that. 'Best fuck'.

"If you can doodle, you can write." She quipped without looking at me. She knew if she caught my famous pout she'd give in and allow me to copy from her. So she didn't look. "In fact," she whispered, still not looking at me, "if you can fuck me, you can write."


Fuck, she had a point.

Damn her.

After five minutes of pleading and promising me a make-out session in the janitor's closet, Camila finally convinced me to write the notes down from the board. The bell rang and we immediately made our way towards our make-out destination.

I cupped her face with my good hand and brushed my tongue along her bottom lip. The action caused her to moan quietly as she pressed me up against the cement wall, cupping my hips in her hands. Her tongue pushed its way through my lips and she kissed me deeply, her fingers dipping under my shirt.

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