Friends Lovers And Everything In Between

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Camila's PoV

"Kyla, for the last time, you don't look fat!" I sighed softly, giving her a helpful smile as she twirled around in front of my mirror. "You've tried on three tops in five minutes, just pick one."

"Camila, I'm a cow!" She cried and sat back on my bed, closing her eyes. "I feel like people know, like they're talking about me behind my back or something."

"Hey," I grabbed her hand, "no one knows except you and me, and your doctor." She shrugged and breathed in deeply. "When are you going to tell Austin?" I whispered.

"Never?" Kyla laughed nervously and bit her lip. We hadn't really talked about anything too serious since building our friendship back up. With Lauren leaving for B.C. the following night, I knew Kyla and I would have a lot more time to talk about the things that really needed to be discussed.

"Kyla," I warned slightly, "you can't exactly keep this a secret."

"I know!" She scowled and buried her head under a pillow. "I honestly don't have a huge problem telling him, I just, I'm terrified about my parents. They're going to kill me Camila!" Her muffled cry was clear even though she was smothering herself with my pillow.

I pried the pillow away from her and threw it on the floor. "They will probably get all crazy on your ass Ky, look who you're friends with?" That caused her to smile through her painful tears. "When you tell them," I tilted my head gently, looking at her, "did you want me there for support?"

"I'm going to be homeless," Kyla panicked, "oh God I'm going to be so homeless!"

"Kyla, relax!" I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. "Let's not talk about this right now, okay? Not when you're so emotional." I smoothed her hair back as she nodded, her eyes red and puffy from her constant emotional outbursts. I had known Kyla since we were two and she was dramatic but not that dramatic.

A knock at my bedroom door caused us to pause mid-hug as a brunette peeked her head through. "Oh sorry, I didn't know your were busy." Lauren smiled apologetically.

"No worries," Kyla wiped her eyes and tried to compose herself, "we were just finishing up."

I smiled at Lauren and patted the spot beside me on the bed. "Is everything okay?"

Lauren nodded. "Yea, Sofi and I lost track of the time and I'm assuming you did too," she pointed to my clock and my eyes widened. I had to be on the ice in twenty minutes.

"Oh shit," I hissed and shot up from my bed, yanking off my shirt to change it. I wasn't going to show up in my grumpy carebear shirt. I'd be tease endlessly.

"You look nice," I heard Kyla compliment Lauren on her navy blue sweater I had bought her for Christmas. She had wanted it since she first laid eyes on it so I caved and bought it for her. I was glad I did, she looked hot in it.

"Thanks," Lauren nodded and bit her lip, "so are you coming to Cabello's game?"

I smirked and shook my head. I was oddly glad that she never dropped the habit of calling me Cabello in front of my best friend. I think it helped mask her feelings for me around the brunette in case she was uncomfortable. Kyla knew I was with Lauren but she never brought it up so even I wasn't sure how she felt about it, aside from the fact that it was 'hot'.

"I was thinking about it." Kyla looked over at me and smiled softly. "I've missed watching her kick ass."

"With her on the ice, you'll never be bored." Lauren chuckled as they shared a laugh.

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