Call It

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Camila's PoV

I felt something stir beside me in my sleepy haze. I opened my eyes and felt an arm draped around my stomach. A mess of brown hair spread across my other pillow, her head tucked securely in my neck.


I was waking up next to Lauren. I've never woken up in someone's arms before. Not even Austin's. My emotions felt drained after the roller coaster we were riding for the past 96 hours. We fell asleep after hours of kissing and we both knew that going any further would only result in more confusion. Believe me, I'd give anything to feel Lauren again, but I also didn't want to screw up either.

My fingers weaved through her brown curls. I loved how the silky strands felt slipping against my skin. I noticed her lips were full and pouty as she murmured something in her sleep. I grinned and moved carefully from beneath her, switching positions so that I was now on my side, leaning over her sleeping frame.

"Camila." She groggily whispered in a raspy voice, one opening to look at me.

I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Say it again." There was no mistake. Her voice was laced with love when she said 'Camila'. It never was 'pure sexual want'. Just...


Blushing, Lauren groaned into the pillow, hiding her face.

I brushed some stray hair from behind her ear, "say it again," I whispered, slowly sucking her earlobe into my mouth.

"Oh Camila," she shuddered when I bit down into the tender flesh before pulling back, smiling. "You drive me crazy, you know that?" Came the husky tone. Would it be wrong to cum right then?

I shrugged innocently and laid back down on my back, placing my hands above my head and stretched. I groaned when my back popped. I then felt Lauren pounce on me, straddling my waist, her lips just a whisper from mine. "Camila." She quietly spoke. "Camila," she whispered again, her lips moving ghostly along my chin and jaw before they rested along the shell of my ear. My body was starting to awaken to its fully aroused state. I felt her tongue, barely, graze the shell of my ear, "I love you, Camila." She then kissed me slow and so fucking deep, I was falling once again.

I was in heaven. I think I officially died that day. Call it.

My hands moved up and down her back softly, feeling the heat of her skin beneath her tank top. I don't think her intentions of coming over the night before were to stay the night, but it was too late for her to head home after we looked at the clock, especially since it was a school night.

Call it a late night study session, if you must.

Tangling my fingers in her hair once again, I parted my lips, whimpering as the heat of her kiss sent lightning bolts right through me. I pulled back, panting slightly, her skin looking a little flushed. I cupped the back of her neck with both hands and just stared at her. She was so beautiful. "I love you, Laur." I whispered, my lips finding purchase with hers with another slow heated kiss.

A knock at the door caused us to freeze mid-kiss.

"Camila?!" Sofi yelled. I giggled and buried my head in Lauren neck. "It's 7:45am and I refuse to be late for school. Get your crazy lesbian ass out of bed and hurry!"

I heard Lauren chuckle and then the chuckles turned into a fit of giggles. "Lesbian ass," she rolled off me and continued to find humour in my sister's choice of words.

"Is that Lauren with you?" Sofi screeched, her body bursting through the door. Her eyes seemed to have lit up when she saw me hovering over a restless brunette. I guess Sofi fell asleep early the night before. I was shocked when she never checked up on me and I was in more shock that she never knew Lauren was over the whole night. After a week of her knowing I snuck the brunette in my room, last night was the most intense moment of my life and she never even noticed? So not like Sofi.

"Knock much!" I gasped playfully, sitting up and throwing the covers off me. Sofi cringed, thinking we were naked or something. I laughed and shook my head. Surprisingly, Lauren and I were both clothed.

"So you two kissed and made up?" My sister's eyes twinkled as if she found out her parents just got back together. My smile matched hers though.

"Yeah," Lauren smiled too, finding her jeans neatly folded over my computer chair. "We have a lot to talk about still," she leaned over and pressed her lips to my cheek, "but for now, we're good...great."

Sofi sighed with relief. "Thank you lesbian God!" She fell back on my bed between us with her arms covering her eyes. "I thought I'd have to carefully plan my hanging out schedule between you two." She pouted as I pried her arm away from her eyes. She had some tears in there.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, laughing it off.

"Nothing, it's just I'm happy for you two." Sofi smiled and hugged us briefly before swatting my ass to get ready. She really hated to be late and so did I for that matter. I knew she was getting upset over something, but I knew when not to push my sister. I'd ask her about it later.

After our asses were kicked into gear, we were up, had fruit for breakfast and was about to head out the door. I normally showered, whether it was before school at home or after early practice, but lying in bed with Lauren was more fun.

The doorbell ringing broke through an all girl giggle-fest.

"Austin!" Sofi yelped and opened the door, revealing him in his black beanie cap, school jacket and jeans.

"Hi." I greeted him and he looked over at his cousin, giving her a quizzical look.

"Hey." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and handed me a coffee from Tim Horton's. Sweet of him. "I missed you," he said shyly before looking back at Lauren. "So this is where you headed off to last night?"

"Uh yea." Lauren laughed nervously and adjusted her jacket collar. "I needed to finish a class project with Camila and I guess I kinda crashed without knowing it." She bit her lip, rocking from foot to foot.

My eyes widened briefly at the sound of her saying my name in front of other people for the first time. I was still getting used to it.

Apparently Austin caught on as well. "Camila? Since when do you use her first name?" He smirked. Lauren clenched her fists.

I slapped Austin in the stomach, "shut up Austin," I looked over at Lauren and smiled softly, catching her blushing look, "I love when she says my name." We shared a secret smile.

Sofi, who remained quiet, finally cleared her throat. "Oh okay, well we really need to be going Mila," she grabbed her backpack and squeezed past Austin, "sorry, stealing the gorgeous girls."

Austin walked outside behind us and closed the door. I stopped when he pulled me in for a hug. "Are we still on for tonight?"

My stomach tied in knots but I found myself nodding. "Sure."

Austin grinned and winked at me. Lauren bit her lip but she smiled telling me she understood the position I was in.

"Hey Laur, can I talk to you for a second?" Austin turned to his cousin, his facial expression looking serious.

"Sure." She turned to me and Sofi, a small smile forming on her lips, "I have my car here anyway, so I'll just meet you at school?"

I smiled and nodded. "Hurry." I whispered just loud enough for her to hear it. I felt my arm be tugged on by my sister.

Hopping in my vehicle, Sofi looked at me. "What?"

"You're in a tough spot." She frowned, her face held a serious look. "What are you going to do Mila?"

I sighed and closed my eyes. I gripped the steering wheel before turning the vehicle on. Sighing heavily, my mind was made up. There was only one way to go from there. I threw my CRV in reverse and quickly glanced at Sofi. "I'm breaking up with Austin tonight."

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