Just Maybe

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Lauren's PoV

We stepped into the lobby of the arcade and smiled at Austin and the short brunette beside him. Yes, I checked her out but not in the way where I thought she was gorgeous and I wanted to jump her bones. But she wasn't bad looking for a blind date.

"You must be Lauren." She stepped forward and handed me a rose and shook my hand. "Finally nice to meet you, Austin talks about you a lot at school."

I watched Camila glare at him for a few seconds before smiling politely at the other girl. "So you play for the Mustangs?"

The girl, who still remained nameless at that point, smiled and looked at Camila. I mean she really looked at Camila. Checked her out and all. In that, 'I'd take you home and fuck the living daylights out of you' kind of way.

What? I know that look. I invented that look.

"Camila Cabello," she drawled out her name and a smirk appeared on her lips as they pressed together, "it's a fine pleasure meeting you."

Austin's eyes went wide as the brunette stepped closer to Camila. A small smile tugged at his lips, amused.

Camila swallowed and tiled her head to the side. "Which position do you play?"

"I'm often playing that position where I'm stuck between you and the boards. Seems you have it hard for me," she smirked and shook her head. "Normani Kordei."

"Kordei..." Camila returned the smirk and laughed. "Number 8. Yea, now I know who you are."

"Glad I made an impression." She winked and turned her attention back to me. "So you ready to start this date, gorgeous?" She held out her arm and I grabbed it gently, making my way into the huge arcade with Camila and Austin behind us.

"Don't get too touchy," I heard her whisper bravely in my ear and I swallowed, loosening my grip on Normani's arm. I glanced back and Camila wasn't even holding Austin's hand, making a point.

"I'm a little thirsty." I smacked my dry lips together and Normani spun us around, facing the other couple.

She grabbed Camila's hand, "we'll grab us a drink and order the pizza, you guys find a table." And I watched with my mouth hung open as the girl took my girlfriend away.

"Okay, shouldn't you be grabbing the drinks and pizza?" I looked up at my cousin as he watched the girls asses walk away towards the main counter. "You know, being a gentleman and all?"

Austin shrugged and I followed him to an empty booth in the corner. "So, what do you think?"

I raised my eyebrow. "You should ask Camila what she thinks. Normani seems to be more into her anyway," I tilted my head and looked at him, "what made you think I'd like her to begin with?"

"She's a brunette version of Camila only into other girls," he replied and looked around before looking back at me, "plus she is hot and from what I hear, pretty easy."

"Austin!" I sighed and sat back in my seat. "I don't want to sleep with her okay? In fact, just stop trying to set me up from now on, okay?"

"Look Lauren," Austin laughed and scratched his head, "I'm only doing this so it'll help you forget about Camila. You know, my girlfriend?"

I never wanted to forget about Camila.

I shook my head. "Whatever Austin, you're so fucking immature." I shifted so my back was to him as I looked on to the brunette and my 'date' huddled at the counter together. A twinge of jealousy went through me but I shoved it aside.

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