Language Cabello

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Camila's PoV

"Cabello, you fucking cunt!" Some girl threw herself on me, knocking me down to the ice.

No, I didn't know who the bitch was.

"Fuck off!" I screamed and got up, shoving her hard against the back of the goalie net. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

"You hooked me!" She screeched and pushed me back, her stick hit my arm hard as my shoulder cracked against the boards. I winced but before I let the pain set in, I threw my stick down on the ice along with my gloves and grabbed the collar of her jersey and shoved her in the spot I was just occupying.

My face was mere inches from hers, "that hurt you bitch."

"Good." She seethed and I shoved her again before I felt someone tug me away from the bitch hard.

"Ow!" I cried as my left shoulder throbbed with pain as the person kept pulling me back. "Fuck off!" I shrugged and turned around to find Kordei looking at me.

"Chill Cabello," she said in a calm voice, "we've got a game to finish here and we can't afford to lose you."

"Whatever." I mumbled and grabbed my shoulder while she grabbed my gloves and stick, making our way back to the team. "The fucking referee never blew his fucking whistle."

"You look like you're in pain." Normani pointed out as I winced again, trying to lift my left arm up.

"I'm fine." I deadpanned. I didn't want to admit that the crack on my shoulder felt like it had been ripped out of its socket.

"Really?" Normani raised an eyebrow as we skated closer to the team. She threw my stick at me and when I lifted my arm up to catch it, I cried out in more pain. The stick went to the ice with a clatter and she picked it up for me while shaking her head. "Yep, you're sure fine, Camila."

I would've popped her one right there but the pain in my arm killed my motivation to hurt her.

"Cabello, I would like to say that I never seen that one coming but it's you and you play rough," Coach Caron carefully touched my left shoulder and I bit my lip from screaming obscenities, "you need to get that checked."

"I'm fucking fine," I cradled my left arm close to me and Normani poked it with her stick before jumping back as I roared at her for hurting me.

I was pulled away from Coach and Brent and down into the locker room. I sat there with the biggest pout on my face as the doctor checked out my arm. He told me to think about happy thoughts.





Lauren on top of the piano nake-

"Ow! You sick son of a bitch! That hurt!" I screamed and felt tears brew at the corners of my eyes. I squeezed them shut when the sickening sound of my shoulder being popped back in place registered in my ears. "Fuck me you son of a fuc-"

A hand was slapped over my mouth as I glared at the doctor. He smiled and patted my head, handing me a tissue. "Just sit and relax, kid, you'll be fine." He left me some Tylenol for the pain and then left me alone.

I was missing my last game of our 'tour'. We were back in our hometown and I was missing the 'Welcome' home game. I was pissed. The fucking girl did not get hooked by me but for some reason she was after me all through the game.

Lauren and I agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone about the engagement until we were both ready. The whole trip back from Kenora was something to really remember. I felt like a different person since she asked me to marry her. I knew that we wouldn't be looking at that for a couple of years still but I still felt like I finally belonged.

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