Moment of Weakness or A Simple Mistake

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Camila's PoV

Austin smiled at me as he opened my car door. He waited out in the cold until I pulled into his driveway after practice. It felt weird not going to school but being able to go to practice after school. My parents weren't home so I knew Sofi wouldn't rat me out. It was just her and I in the house for a day or two.

"You look good," Austin complimented me. I looked down at my winter coat and blue jeans.

"Sweet talker," I smirked and took his hand as he led me inside.

"I made hot chocolate just for you." He smiled and helped hang up my coat.

"Why Austin, I do believe you're trying to wiggle your way into some compromising situation," I teased as he laughed and shook his head.

"As much as I'd like to, I have plans tonight." He stopped when he noticed my frown. "What?"

I sighed and smiled, shaking my head. It wasn't a big deal anyway. Austin had plans with his friends while I played my first game on the ice with the new team. I only really wanted to share this moment with Lauren and somehow I knew that wasn't going to happen. It just would've been nice of Austin remembered what the evening meant to me.

"Mila," he crouched down to my eye level, his face softening, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing Aus," I waved my hand and grabbed his to continue our way to the kitchen. The temperature was dropping and I wanted the hot liquid to warm me up. "It's just my first game tonight with the Rebel's."

His eyes shot wide open as he muttered a 'shit'. "Oh God Camila, I'm an ass, I'm so sorry." He grabbed both of my hands and squeezed them against his chest, "I'll call Nate and cancel, okay? I'll be at your game."

I laughed. "No, you should go and have fun. Besides," I shrugged, "it might make me nervous knowing you're there on my first 'day'."

He grinned and pulled me in for a hug. "Trying to impress your man?"

I softly snorted and jokingly looked around. "Huh? I have a man? I don't see a man."

He grabbed me by the arms and pinned me playfully against the fridge, laughter dying down. God, if this were a few months ago, I would've kissed him. But it wasn't. I was different. Things were different now.

"Oh get a fucking room." I heard Lauren's voice in the doorway of the kitchen and slid out from between Austin's body and the fridge. She avoided eye contact with me as she made her way to the fridge, grabbing water and reached up to grab some crackers from the cupboard. I licked my lips at the skin that exposed itself when her shirt rode up during her reach.

"Hey Laur, can we talk?" I found myself moving closer to her. Yes, I was desperate. She said some pretty mean things but for my own sanity, I needed some answers from her.

She didn't turn around but she stopped, gripping her water bottle harder in her hand. "I was just running a bath," she looked over her shoulder, "but meet me in 30?"

I smiled gratefully and nodded. She never returned the gesture but she never moved right away either. Her eyes were held on mine and when she finally blinked, she cleared her throat and left the room.

"Are you two okay?" Austin asked. He sipped on his own hot chocolate.

I sighed and nodded. "Just a girl fight."

"Ah," he nodded as if he understood, "definitely don't want to get in between one of those. Lauren's mood has been so off these past couple of days. Can hardly mention the word marriage in front of her without her freaking out."

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