She Is The Mystery

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Camila's PoV

I stared down at the ring that was sitting perfectly on my left hand. I was actually engaged.

Camila Cabello, engaged.

So much for my marriage theory that I repeatedly gave to Austin when he'd suggest a future together.

I was engaged to his cousin.

I snorted to myself and twirled it along my finger slowly. Then little fingers wrapped around my wrist and I found myself looking into blue eyes full of wonder.

"Are you and Laurwen mawrried?" Jaiden smiled cutely, her one front tooth was missing.

I chuckled. "No, not yet."

"My Mommy weawrs a wing just liked that and she's mawrried to Mama." She frowned and moved her fingers over the band, studying it out of curiousity.

"There you are squirt," Ephiny came up behind us and threw Jaiden over her shoulder playfully, "time to take you to bed."

"No!" Jaiden kicked and giggled as she was getting tickled. "Not yet!"

"Yes yet," I watched as Ephiny plopped her daughter back down next to me while kneeling in front of her, "you have an early swim meet tomorrow, remember? The last time you stayed up later than eight, you almost fell asleep while floating in the water, it scared me and Mommy."

Jaiden frowned and pouted. She was so cute.

I wanted one.

Not now of course.

"Please? Just a little bit?" Her blue eyes met with the woman's similar blue eyes. You could tell they were mother and daughter biologically. "I want to play hockey with Camwila!"

I smirked and Ephiny glanced at me with a smile. "Since she's small for her age, we decided not to put her on a team just yet. Though she skates very well because that's all she ever wants to do besides swim," she grinned at her daughter, "but even hockey stars have to sleep good before they play, right Camila?"

"Right." I nodded but noticed Jaiden was still pouting. "Um," I cleared my throat, "if you don't mind, I could keep an eye on her until Lauren gets back. I'd hate to be left alone anyway."

I lied. I didn't care if I was sitting by myself but who could resist a four year old pout like that? And to see her eyes widen with excitement made it worth it.

Ephiny bit her lip before smiling and nodding slowly. "Sure, I have to help set up the equipment anyway," she kissed Jaiden on the cheek, "behave."

Jaiden saluted and snuggled up beside me.

It had been at least fifteen minutes since Lauren left with Chase. I looked behind me and found people ordering drinks and snack foods at the counter, but no Lauren. I frowned and turned back to watch Ephiny set up the equipment.

"Does Laurwen sing?" Jaiden scratched her tiny forehead and pointed towards the other side of the café where Chase uncovered a black piano.

I swallowed.

Black pianos and Lauren were now my new favourite combination.

"Yea," I whispered to the little girl but keeping my eyes on Lauren, who was laughing while others gathered around the two women.

What the hell was she up too?

Lauren whispered something into Chase's ear and then winked at me before sitting down at the bench, her fingers mapping out the keys in a series of notes.

Think Again (Camren)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ