Chapter 2-Who was that girl?

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Adeel's pov: I sat on my chair while smoking,when ayaan entered,"adeel,we found him"he said,i smirked,finally i found him..that bastards are going down,what were they even thinking that some group of bloody spies will stop adeel...nah never,it took me years to make our mafia group strong,the whole mumbai is scared of us(*evil laugh). A group of government spies were spying on us,keeping record of our murders and other things we do. That group was led by Hamad Ali,they had maintained a file which had all our records,if it goes into the hands of the government,we would be in jail. Hamad was killed by some other mafia group,and we were thankful for that,because now there would be no one to disturb us,but lately my assistant found out that the file is with muzaffar and he was out of the country. So my men,were keeping an eye on him,so that whenever he returns,we will get that file back. I sat in my suv,with my bodyguards,we reached there in 30 minutes,"arjun and rahul,go search for him...don't let go of him,get the file and kill him off". They nodded and went out,i didn't care about his life,hamad was disturbing us from many years,finally we got peace 3 years ago ,but i needed that file too,once we got that file,we would be out of danger. I waited for like 15 minutes in the car,but when they didn't come,i went out of the car and started waiting for them. I saw 2 girls approaching us,one of them was a bit short in height but she looked like an angel in her hijab. I was busy in admiring her beauty which she was unaware of,i heard some steps approaching me..i turned and there was muzaffar with my men,as usual scared and struggling to run away,i smirked and asked"Where are the files?Who took it" he said he didn't knew,i got angry as i knew these government people won't spill easily.."then you are of no use" i took my gun out and shot him in head and boom 💥 he was dead in seconds,i looked around myself,people were running here and there,scared of themselves being shot and then I remembered,why hadn't i put silencer in my gun?stupid me! I was going inside my car when i saw the 2 girls,one was sitting in the ground shaking,she might me scared of gun shot while the other one was helping her. Oh god,this is my fault! I went towards them and saw her crying very badly,i could hear her loud sobs,shit!adeel,go calm her down. I bent and poked her,"Are you okay,miss"what a stupid question adeel,does she look alright?my heart said. Well what else could i say? She looked up,glaring at me,oh well she looked angry,grabbed me by my collar and said"do i look like okay? How dare you kill that man huh? Don't you have any shame? Mr.terrorist,killing people"wait what,she called me a dare she. Btw,she looked very pretty when she was angry,her nose was all red with anger. Before i could reply to her,her friend grabbed her and started running away.By the way,who was that girl,who had the nerves of speaking like that to 'adeel khan',i am very impressed by her...i want to know who she is. I walked back to my car,"arjun,find out the details about that girl,i need to know who she is,where she goes,who are her friends ,everything by tomorrow and i want 2 of my men to keep an eye on her every movement from now onwards,got it?"I ordered him and he nodded. I went back to my office,oh god it was waste of time,i didn't get the file back. I was beyond angry now,where was it? I grabbed the intercom and called nisha,my assistant. The way i called her,she knew that i was angry,so she came running into my cabin,breathless,"yes sir,do you need something",i walked towards her,"you gave me the wrong information nisha,muzaffar didn't have the files. You lied to me" i smirked while taking rounds around her,she was scared,well..everyone in my office knows that i hate liars,"sir, i am sorry,It won't happen next time" she said,her head hung low,"perhaps your sorry can't bring my wasted time back,right?" She gulped,"now get ready for your punishment,my dear nisha,so that next time you will give me correct information". I took hold of her wrist and took her down,while she started crying,f***..what was the use of crying now,I hadn't even started her punishment yet,there was no way she could get away with this,she had betrayed me. Call me heartless,rude anything but i am very specific to my job,if she would have given me the correct information about the file,i would have given her promotion,but she is getting punishment!". We went towards my basement,yes.. i have a basement in my office,it was all dark there with only a light bulb on,i swirled her and she landed on the floor,i locked the door so that no one could disturb me. She started crying,shouting,begging me to forgive her but it was of no use. Once i have made my mind,no one can change it. I grabbed her by her shoulders,"Why are you shouting nisha,you know it would be of no one will help you because this entire office is soundproof" i laughed(muawhhhhahahha)like a villain. I won't describe her punishment,but you can hear the belt strap voices and her painful shouts. ---------------- Noor's pov: "beta,get up or else you would be late"i heard my ammi's voice,but i was in no mood of getting up,"bass,do minute ammi"i was engrossed in sleep when"uth ja begairet(get up)"someone shouted in my ears,i got up suddenly and saw nisa and ammi laughing,"what the hell nisa,aise kon uthata hai yaar" and "ammi,you too" i glared at them,"you weren't getting up and nisa came here to pick you up,so i decided why not" my ammi said in between her laughs. My eyes softened seeing her like this,since abbu's death my mom went in severe depression,it took us a whole year to get her out of it,after that my mum rarely laughs and now i was so happy seeing her laughing like this. I got up,glared at nisa,"i will see you later" i mumbled,i took a shower,got dressed in a floral kurti which reached my thighs ,a blue jeans with a floral hijab..i did simple makeup which comprised of kohl and lipstick and wallah,i was done. I had my breakfast and saw the time,it was 8:30 ,shit i had to reach my office in 9. We hurried to get a rickshaw,while we were waiting for one,i felt someone staring at me(you know sometimes your sixth sense makes you feel that),i turned but i saw no one,i shrugged it off and saw a rickshaw coming towards us,we went in. As we moved forward,i saw in the rear mirror a black suv following us,the same one i saw 3 days back,I thought maybe i am overthinking,but as we took 2 turns towards our office,my dout cleared,that it was really following us,what nisa said was ringing in my ears,be careful noor. I gulped and looked at nisa she ,as if understood my thoughts,asked,"what happened noor? Is something wrong? You look like you have seen a ghost!". Sure,i was scarred,"nisa,someone's following us"i whispered." No babe,why would someone follow us"she said while looking backwards,"you are overthinking noor,anyway leave this,did you prepare your presentation? You remember na,that we have an important meeting tomorrow" she asked,"no yaar,lately i have been feeling lazy, so ill do it today". We got out of the rickshaw and saw that the suv wasn't there,i sighed happily,maybe really i was overthinking. At 5:00 i decided to leave,nisa's shift was over,so she left while i was left alone in the office along with the watchman. I took a bus to my home,it left me at the station. Walk to home from the station took me 10 more minutes and i felt constantly watched,like someone was following me,i could hear steps behind me,but i was scared to look back,so i ran to my home,rang the bell but i guess ammi was busy,so i looked for my keys in my purse,i was scared as hell,it would look like i was a hollywood horror film heroine because i was looking like one,i took my kyes,entered it in the keyhole,the door opened,i hurried inside and locked the door,removed the curtains,when i was satisfied,that i was no more being watched,i sighed and layed on the sofa. Never in my life had i felt so scared. After calming down,i went inside to find ammi and my siblings sleeping. I kissed my ammi's forehead,had my dinner and started working on my presentation. I made myself coffee,and sat down on the sofa with my laptop. It was 12:30 and the lights of the drawing were still on beacuse i was still working,there was all silence in the house except the voice of my keyboard,when i heard some voices from the bushes. I got alert,i got up,moved towards the window and peeked out from the curtain. And still nothing,i am sure someone is following me but for what reason? I will say this to nisa tomorrow,i took my laptop to my bedroom and started working. It was 2:30,when i finished my work and decided to sleep. I don't know,whats going to happen tomorrow. Will we get the deal or not? I sighed and closed my eyes,ready to go in my dream world.-------------- Tadaaa....i am back with an update. My fingers are tired of tapping so much.pheww.I want to say about the update schedule. Since,it is my summer break you'all would get a regular update. Yay!! And when my school starts,it would be once in a week or twice depending on my mood and the amount of votes i get. Anyway,how was the chapter? Adeel is very bad right? But,he will change when noor comes in his life. Please do vote and comment,share this story with your friends and ill be back with an update,inshallah.

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