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This story is about character development. Naz starts out as a bitch but she grows!

If you comment about how much you hate Naz and this story your comment will be deleted.


"There is nothing on." I groan as I continue flicking through the channels for the third time hoping something interesting would magically start playing.

I'm sure I could just use Netflix and Mrs Denton wouldn't mind but something about adding to my boredom instead of relieving it seemed more preferable. We are a generation used to suffering, I can handle it.

"Really? because I didn't hear you the first three times you said it."

Nella rolled her eyes not taking her attention off of her phone as she scrolled through Instagram, and people wonder why us teens are so addicted to our phones, maybe it has something to do with the fact that everything else is so boring.

My legs were on my best friends lap while we sat in the lounge room of my dad's friends house.

The parents  seated outside on the balcony leaving the rest of the house for us but there is nothing more awkward than sitting alone in someone else's house when you clearly don't want to be there, it just feels uncomfortable.

Although Nella is a year older than me she is more immature than I am. Not to mention that she depends on me for practically everything. I guess that's why we work so well together she depends on me and I depend on her depending on me.

It may have taken me ages to beg Nella to come along with me but I know that no matter where I go she usually follows, not that I mind we are a package deal; Naz and Nella, you don't get one without the other.

"And I'm going to keep saying it until something comes on."

Nella ignores my comment I assume because she isn't bothered to answer.

While I'm searching through the channels for a fourth time, at this point it has become a game to me, I hear someone walk into the room from behind me.

I don't bother to see who it is because I'm too focused on the TV.

The only three people inside the house besides Nella and I are Kasper; my little brother, Liam; Kasper's friend and the youngest addition of the Denton family, and Jakob.

"Hey Naz, when did you get here?"

Turning my attention from the TV to the source of the voice, I see Jakob hovering above me.

Jakob and I had been friends when we were little, thanks to our parents being friends, cliche I know, and to say that I had a massive crush on Jakob when I was little would be an understatement.

At the time I had been convinced I was in love with him. But eventually I grew up and realized I wasn't attracted to Jakob at all.

"About an hour ago." I shrug sitting up properly and fixing my hair.

"You should have told me you were here."


It's not that I want to be mean to Jakob it's just that we haven't been close since the fifth grade, why would we start now?

It's not Jakob's fault though, I pushed him away. I became friends with Nella, I changed who I was to fit in with her and her friends, and I lost touch with him.

Is it possible to be so distant to someone you see so often?

If it is then that is what  happened between Jakob and I.

Jakob's face falls for a split second causing my heart to sink to the pit of my stomach.

Am I too shallow?

But just as soon as the feeling comes I push it away.

"So you could fuck each others brains out." Nella blurts out still keeping her attention on her phone reminding me that she was here.

I scoff in response before letting out a loud laugh at how unexpected her statement  was.

"Ewh!" I cry out still laughing, whacking her arm causing her to snicker in response.

Jakob awkwardly takes a seat next to me on the couch while Nella and I continue to shove each other, for once her phone long forgotten.

"Okay, okay. I surrender." she managed to spit out between hiccups of laughter and desperate gasp of air.

Continuing to laugh I pull my arms away.

You know those awkward moment when you and your best friend are laughing for the stupidest reasons but you can't seem to stop, Nella and I have those constantly.

It's one of the main reasons we get along so well. Because we are complete nut cases. The rest of our 'friends'- more like Nella's friends and my associates- don't seem to get it which is fine by me.

"Hey, you wanna know something?" Nella hums trying to sound serious which is hard considering she is still grinning like a fool.

"Tell me." I shoot back.

She takes a brief moment to look between Jakob and I.

"You two would actually make a cute couple."

I look over to Jakob to see that his constantly pink cheeks have darkened a little out of embarrassment.

I thought it was impossible for tanned people to blush but apparently not.

"Ewh!" I groan in response leaning back on the couch. "I'm like old enough to be your mum." I say to Jakob not even bothering to hide away how amusing I am finding the idea.

"You're only ten months older than me." Jakob shoots back a hint of defense in his tone.

Was he offended?

"Still." I laugh out. "You could be my baby boy."

I smirk, sending Jakob a wink causing him to roll his eyes and Nella and I to double over with giggles.

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