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Warning: this chapter does contain a bit of sexual references and very light smut.


"I can't believe we found out about Adam's party from Jakob." Nella groand as she continues straightening her hair.

I roll my eyes irritated.

That's what the message I had anticipated so much from Jakob said.

'Are you going to Adam's party on Saturday?'

I did as Nell and I planned, I left him on open and it only seemed to be pissing me off more. I feel an urge to yell at him but I wouldn't know what to say or get angry about. I don't even know why I'm so annoyed with Jakob right now.

A knock came at the door causing me to groan.

"Come in." I say loudly over the music playing in my bedroom.

It just always seems more appropriate to get ready for a party with music playing in the background plus I learnt to blast music before you go to a party that way it doesn't seem so loud when you first walk in.

"What are you doing?" My dad questioned, standing in the doorway with the door half open.

He new better than to fully open my bedroom door and walk in. It was just a known fact that my bedroom was off limits to parents.

"Just practicing makeup." I lie.

He wouldn't know though because I'm always practicing makeup and technically it's true because I'm still working on my contour skills.

"Turn the music down cause your brother is going to bed," my dad says causing me to roll my eyes but Nella stepped over to the stereo and turned the volume down slightly.

It's funny how even the most disobedient of friends will listen to your parents even when they don't listen to their own.

"I'm going to work, I'll be back by three." My dad tells me causing me to nod my head in response.

I'm already aware that he won't be home until late which is what makes sneaking out so easy. It's funny that he doesn't trust me at all yet leaves me home alone every nights with my younger brother making it easier for me to do things without him knowing.

When he's left I begin getting dressed. It would have looked a little weird if I was already dressed when he came in. Besides he would have lost his shit if he saw my black shorts and black lace bralet that I planned on wearing.

"You look good." Nella complimented, looking me up and down in approval over her shoulder.

It always made me feel good when Nella complimented me. She wasn't big on compliments and very rarely complimented anyone. To say it was a massive confidence boost would be an understatement.

"You ready?" I ask as I shove my phone into the back pocket of my shorts taking one last look in the mirror.

"Yeah, let's go." Nella makes her way towards the window, I follow behind.

I know it's irresponsible to be leaving my brother home alone but he is asleep and I should be allowed to live my own life without constantly having to worry about other people.

Besides tonight all I want to do is get drunk, nothing else matters to me right now.

Tension has built up inside me and all I want to do is forget everything. It won't be hard for me to get drunk considering that I barley ever drink.


As soon as Nella and I walk through the door we part ways.

Usually I stay by Nella's side watching her just in case she drinks too much but today I'm not interested.

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