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"You're time of the month hey?" Jakob gives me an accusing look as I open the door for him in way of greeting causing me to laugh.

"You ditched me!" I shot back, a lame defence.

"I didn't ditch you, you're just too lazy to run." He teases causing me to glare at him as we make our way through the house up to my room.

It's weird even though no one is home, well Kasper is home but he is asleep, I don't want to sit with Jakob in the lounge room. You sit with your Grandparents in the lounge room, you sit with your boyfriend in your bedroom. Maybe I'm weird but my bedroom feels like my own little world that I'm in control of, the one place where I have my own rules, that's where I want to spend time with Jakob.

"Sorry baby boy," I turn on the balls of my feet.

Due to the fact that I'm two steps above him I'm looking down on him which seems to feed into my ego more for some weird reason.

"I don't chase guys, I get chased by them." I emphasise before turning back around and hurrying up the rest of the stairs.

Jakob breaks out into a run and picks me up which surprises me because although he is sporty he isn't muscular like those guys in the movies, can those movies be just a tad realistic? Apparently not.

"I didn't mean it literally." I laugh.

Lamely, I try to wiggle out of his grip while he runs down the hallway and to my bedroom where he drops me on my bed and closes the door behind us even though again there is no one home.

"Sorry Naz, you gotta be more specific next time." He frowns at me as if I was the one who had done wrong.

I roll over only to have him dive onto my bed next to me causing me to bounce on the bed a little.

"Someone's a playful little child today, maybe I should stop baby sitting and date a guy my own age."

"Seriously you're ten months older than me, get over it!"

I laugh at Jakob's defensive state.

I love how he gets so worked up when I tease him about being older than him. Ever since we were younger I always made sure to remind him that I was older than him at every chance I got.

He moved closer to me causing me to instinctively cuddle into him. I have never been more thankful in my life that my dad works night shifts than I am tonight. If it weren't for those night shifts I wouldn't get nights like these with Jakob, okay besides the other night we haven't had nights like these but now we can have more.

"Isn't it crazy how ten years ago we were on this bed playing pirates pretending your bed was the ship."

I can't help but smile at the memory Jakob just mentioned.

We used to pretended the floor was the sea so we got pillows and used them as rafts to get to the kitchen and raid the fridge for  'treasure' in other words decent enough food. We had even used Kasper's baby bibs as eye patches for affect.

"You just had to bring that up." I can't help but feel embarrassed at the memory. The shit we used to do as kids. "It's kind of weird isn't it."

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