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Nella let out another laugh as I some how managed to hurt myself yet again while getting changed in her car. There was no way in hell my dad would have let me out of the house if he saw what I was supposed to be wearing. It's not even that the uniforms are that revealing it's just that my dad is rather modest.

At first my dad had been rather suspicious about my sudden gesture to raise money for the little leagues so I told him that I was failing gym and this was how my teacher said I could raise my grades up. A lie but it got me out of the house. Was it really that hard to believe that I could be a good selfless person?

Although it was a simple skirt and top it was practically impossible to squeeze into.

"Did this uniform belong to a ten year old who hasn't hit puberty?" I snort as I finally manage to get the uniform in properly and sit properly in my seat as Nella drove us to the school the game was being played at.

"Have you seen those girls? I highly doubt any of them even own a bra yet." Nella adds.

Maybe it's the fact that they are so fit and healthy and although the I do a work out every night in my bedroom I don't think I would compare to how fit the girls on the cheer squad are. I hate them for being fit.

"Thank god it's over, I think I almost had a car accident." This didn't mean anything coming from Nella. Nella is a reckless driver any day, it's a miracle she actually got her licence. If Nella could get her licence maybe I could too, if I actually bothered to learn how to drive.

I'm thankful when I spot the school and it's packed out field, the quicker we get this over and done with the quicker we leave.

I spot the bus that the cheerleaders and soccer team caught and we make our way towards it. We would have caught the bus along with them except for the problem that Nella doesn't do buses. Even from a young age she just hated buses, she used to throw tantrums whenever her mum mentioned a bus. I think it's a fear but I refuse to say anything. Something about how long the bus is and scary when it turns. I don't blame her some bus drivers are worse than her when it comes to driving.

Candice begins blabbing on and giving pep talks but I'm too busy nervously hopping from foot to foot and looking around scared that my dad might have realised what was going on and is going to show up at any minute.

Why am I so nervous today's?

I've done worse than this before and didn't get caught.

"Nazareth Mary-Ann Collens  in a cheerleaders uniform who would have thought I would see the day." Turning around I glare at Jakob. I don't know if I hate him more for using my full name or for his sarcastic comment but either way I hate him right now.

"You're middle name is Mary-Ann?" Nella snorts in disbelief. "How did I not know that? Nazareth Mary-Ann Collens, it's got a nice ring to it." She adds causing me to glare at her.

"Not as good as Nella Nora Knight." I shoot back causing Nella to send me a dirty. She thought her parents were stupid for giving her three names that start with N even though her last name technically starts with a K.

"When I told you to come to my game I didn't think you would go all out for me." Jakob draws my attention back to him. What is with his cocky attitude right now, I hate it, it's not Jakob. Jakob is like your typical boy next door like Archie Andrews from Riverdale, minus the guitar and the red hair and the killer abs. He's not cocky he's nice, a little oblivious but nice. 

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